Its brisk again, while another car drives past. Door slams and the Big Brother's anxious voice could be heard with the door closed. It must have been awhile since he has seen his girlfriend. A couple of hours is my guess. Betting that the parents won't be home for a couple of hours so that time alone is being stalled by the deadline immune little ones. Their biggest care is the newest design for the Minecraft world. Gold ingots and zombies are his concern. Not the Sophomore cheerleader his older brother is trying to get to. In time, that may be the case, but the clouds are heavy and the downpour may begin again.
A knock on the door remains unanswered. From the looks out the window, its a salesperson of one nature. Perhaps its Hoover vacuums. They usually come by this time. They are only here one day and they are setting appointments for demonstrations. Usually, young college kids being hauled in white vans. I suspect there is something more nefarious in this tactic, but I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Knocking on some strangers door to vacuum their carpets is a bit more stressful than one would imagine. Such is the nature of sales.
Crows are still calling out. Not sure for what. Maybe looking for a mate. Maybe its a warning for other carrion considering invading their territory. Maybe its a song about the rain.
School is out soon. Winter break is just two days hence. Then for three weeks it will be home filled with joy and boredom. Nothing to do that brings a smile to face. Than Nothing to do that turns that smile upside down. It will be short lived. Soon the break will come to an end and that vacation will be shorter than what they ever imagined. If they have gumption to fill their days with stuff they like. If they hide away the time sucker, TV, then perhaps this ennui will pass.
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