Every Day--Its about Choices. Its about being Committed. Its about keeping that Promise to Ourselves.
Been to the gym almost every day for the last couple of years. Most of the time I worked out. Riding the stationary. Taking Zumba class. Lifting or lying on the mats doing some Yoga. Its not something I broadcast. Its just something I've done. It was a commitment that I made to myself when I didn't think I had many days left. Diagnosed with CHF, I knew that if nothing else, I would do this. Of course, I made the promise to the Big Smile. This was part of the bargain. This was the Cross I would bear.
There have been millions of others when faced with the circumstances, they chose similar roads.
Stuart Scott, the great ESPN broadcaster, passed today. Cancer won this battle. However, I don't think it won overall. Some times the other team wins. Its just part of the dance. What matters is how one faces these circumstances.
Yesterday, a seven year old was in an airplane accident with her parents. Everyone on board died. Except for her, of course. Wearing one sock and traveling through the woods, miles from the crash. She walks to a stranger's house and informs her the situation. 911 is called and the child is probably in the custody of Child services. She got up and with everything crashing around her. How can one not be inspired to rise again? If this seven year old could do it, it would be dis-service to not do the same.
We are faced with stuff. Every single day. Choosing to lie in bed and watch Tv. Choosing to be nice and be rude. Choosing to put on that pair of socks and hoodie to go to a class. Its choosing the 30 day plank test. Or 30 day push up test. Or 30 day crunch test. Its how we decide on what to do.
Drove my Aunt to a family party in Camarillo. It would be a two hour drive there. It would couple hours to get home. Really did not plan to go. It was a Cousin's thing so I was content on staying Home and being having nice quiet dinner. Still, it turned out to be good. One cousin said "I was Happy that you came." I often don't come by. I've been distant. We always think we have time to make it up. We don't.
It's my cousin Christopher's birthday tomorrow. Actually, it was today. He's on the other side of the world. There's drama brewing. Between him and his Mom. Also between His Mom and Wife. Can't even say, "HBD" on your Son's BDay. All I can do SMH. Won't pretend to understand the dynamics. Won't attempt to understand the timeline that made this situation the way it is. Such is the nature of life.
We are in circumstances. Some terrible. Some not so much.
Its how we face these life circumstances that colors our Soul.
"BooYah" "Cool as the other side of the Pillow" "He's Heating Up"--Stuart Scott.
Its the work that you do that people remember. They see the stuff that one can not hide. We have a predetermined time on this rock to do what ever we chose to do. Sometimes people climb great mountains. Other times the sink into depravity of despair and isolation. Don't think we are to live a "No Man's an Island" Life style. I suspect we are destined for something greater, something more.
Maybe this fairy tale thinking. In all honesty, I am okay with that. I rather live in world Making Dreams Happen, instead of just surviving in Reality. I think we need some Magic. It what Propels us. It is what Compels us. It is just that natural elevation our Souls to Aspire to. Its an Ascension from the Mudane. Like Salmon coming Home. There is undeniable force to return Home. To Be Higher.
So in the end. I believe its about "Every Day--Its about Choices. Its about being Committed. Its about keeping that Promise to Ourselves." Its a Promise for some thing Higher.
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