Friday, January 8, 2016


Yesterday tried writing a post. Couldn't get past the first paragraph. Started with "Snow covering the San Gabriels. Clouds blanketed tops of the mountain. . ."After that it fizzled. Lack of au jus was the fate for yesterday's post. Zumba with Lucy and no weight training left me uninspired. So now, read a couple of Stormwatches. Haven't scanned any instagram and lost a chess match to my cousin. So I'm perturbed.

Had a brief shut eye. Coco is still catching hers. So I write with a deadline. Need to stop by the library to return some overdue materials in time to make it a Lito Zumba class. We'll see how it goes.

Let's listen. Filter for the aquarium is flowing. Fish, snail, and ghost shrimp I hope are still moving. Room is untidy. Books on the floor. Yesterday's clothes are strewn on the floor. Didn't make the hamper. Cups of water on the dresser. Window shades are covered, but the sunrays are making its weigh. Coco is besides me. Her stomach is moving up and down. She's alive. No snoring so I'm guess she's being all ninja like. Below the bed are tablets and phones being charged.

Not sure if my thermal will be appropriate gym ware. TV is off. Its better that way not to get too engaged to the story. Got my own to write. What's on the agenda? Bucket list stuff. Maybe I can finish December 2015 by night's end. Should get 365 project caught up. 5 things I am grateful for, too. Discovered from emails that the camera from store should be ready. I'll check next week. If I go to Barnes and Nobles, I'll stop by the Buy and pick her up.

House is quiet. Except for the filter. I am sure fish and ghost shrimp make noise. Just have listened yet. Room needs cleaning. Will do that tonight too. Lito's class should be up. He's usually an energized class. Coco is in REM now. her paws are twitching. Eyelids and ears too.Her breathing is more rapid and staccato. I wonder how my sleep is. Must be sight. Been having some dreams. Have done my dream log for a minute.

Times up. Let the day begin again.

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