She dances with a passion and I am enamored. Her smile lights up a room. I wish I knew her sooner. She leaves in a few months and I just can't help being saddened at the thought of her departure. I resolved that to spend as much time in her company before she leaves my life. I wish it weren't so but she needs more. She lives apart from her other and I respect her even more so. She is an angel in my eyes. Don't want to fall for her. I really wish that she had some feels for me. I would love to kiss those lips. Yet, she is wed and certain lines one does not cross. This line i would tempt for her touch. If I were a better (or worser) person I would run to her side. Yet she is strong enough on her own to not need anyone. She is one I believe I would need. She is emotional. She is strong. She vulnerable. She is strong enough to let her emotions show. She cries when betrayed. She smiles when happy. She frustrates when her standards aren't met. She is substantial. I don't want to say "I Love Her" because such words carry much weight and certain obligation. It's not an exercise I take lightly. Too often, one would give promises to meet some wanton desire and hold their words cheaply. She is one I know one move on if her lover left because she is strong like that. Yet I find myself feeling she's not one I would move on so easily. She is that one candle that holds mightily lit on strong windy night. The fire she sparks would last a lifetime. It's not because she is beautiful and she is quite that. It's not just her personality that holds me. It's her everything. What's funny is that I would not have sought her company and friendship it weren't for another. Another that I strongly considered more than a friend. So I say, I will not tell her "I Love Her" I just hope she just knows and that will be enough. If not in this lifetime, maybe the next... She is grace. She is passion. She is everything and I wish her happiness. A deep soul warming happiness. Her happiness would meet my needs and I would have lived a full life.

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