Carlsbad Dennys is where I sit this 2:28 in the morning. Cousin Jason is sleeping in the car right now. He's wearing my sleep mask and bundled up in thin mini-blankets. I feel a little bad. I asked him if he wanted to go with me to Carlsbad for a short trip. He's going to run the 1/2 marathon. He's crazy.

The lady in front of me seems tired. She has her head leaning the window. She has the Bobble-Head disease. Symptoms: Eyes heavy, an occasional snore erupts, head falls forward and back. Bobble-head disease is a struggle. This battle against fatigue is a losing one. Too much to drink and not enough sleep, I guess.
I look to my left. A group of four talks about the events of the night. I hear ". . .schnapps, rum and coke, and grabbing my . . . " Laughter burst erupts from the table. Ah!!! the smell of Kaluha, Sex on the beach, and vomit. Yummy.

Table to the right. Hip hop dressed crowd. Two guys on the left, a bunch of Wiggas. Wanna-be, wait, that is not fair. I don't if they are compensating for the lack of African-American-ness or they just dress like because they lost a bet.
You may ask what does this have to do with Heroism. I don't know either. No, the Valkyries would bring the fallen heroes to the great hall. In the great hall, they would drink, debauch, and the die in the noble cause. To do it again, the next night, and next . . . until Ragnarok. It is a reminder that we are all human and we need a night out to just remember we are human. People need to play.
Well, a night of blogging looks complete. I need to wake in a couple of hours to volunteer at the marathon. Its just another midnight at Denny's.

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