Watching VP Biden on Live CNN, saying we could do more, but there is more mass on Target. In other words, people could do more—more relief, more supplies, more help—can be given, but the logistics is slowing progress. An analogy was given, It was like fitting a bowling ball through a straw. Hard to imagine.
Be ready. Our capacity for humanity’s good is the bowling ball. We need to get a bigger straw. We need to let this capacity for good to be released.
Haiti’s earthquake, I fear, may be a preview for something more. I live in Southern California, Big Earthquake country. Future of Humanity’s Good is ready to be released. Borrowing an old Arthurian quote, “During England’s Greatest Time of Need, the King Shall Return”
Earth and Humanity’s need will not remember enemies’ words, it will remember if you did nothing. Be a Hero. Step Up. If you can’t help now, there will be a time. When the call is made, will you answer the call?
I donated to the Bush Clinton Haiti Relief Fund and I text 10 dollars to the Red Cross.