Sometimes it’s unwanted. Sometimes it’s unwelcome. Sometimes, we develop so much that we must mitose (Not sure if that is word. It will be for today). Mitosis is big part of cell replication. Before G1, S1, and G2, our cell must divide. We go through, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We go through cytokinesis. We go through Change.
We transcribe, than translate the components of our encyclopedic DNA strand in order to form another more perfect union. (Sorry, felt Preamble-ish) From what I remember, it takes several hours. Eight, I think. During this time, the Secret Manual for our body must be deciphered. We need to translate the chapters of who we are. The genes are our Chapters. Than with the wonderful RNAs, we begin to transcribe and translate with mRna , rRNA, and tRNA. Come on who remembers the bases, Guanine and Cytosine? Adenine and Thymine? Uracil?
Thank you Mr. Brister, Mr. Hanlon, Mr. Shahla.
At any rate, Change happens. We grow and develop. We sometimes want things to change. Sometimes we don’t. We are times forced to accept it. Other times, we welcome it with open heart. Remember the time from grade school to middle school. Remember middle to school to high school. How about high school to college? How about basic training to specialty school? People need to graduate. People need to learn lessons before the move on; otherwise, they will miss something important that could have assisted them in the future. Fill up your knowledge backpack with tools you need to tackle the next task at hand. Some tools you will use all the time. Other times, you ask yourself, “Why did I bring this along?”
Can help but think of Bear Grylis. He’s the guy on Man vs. Nature show. He gets dropped off in various remote locations and he shows us how to survive in various extreme environments. He’s been in the Sarah Desert, remote Islands in the Pacific, Frozen Tundra of the North. He hasn’t been to Palmdale, but I suspect he can weather this desert. Reminds me, I need to get a utility knife and a flint thing for making fire. Bear is freaking awesome. This man will eat anything. Man vs Wild link
Built in us is the mechanism of change. We learn lessons. We pass it along. Some nice. Some not so nice. Sometimes we copy our spiritual DNA from the family and friends. Sometimes we alter and reinforce our soul power with books we read, music we listen to, people we admire. Sometimes, we have a revelation and something wonderful transpires. We mutate. We change. We change from source unknown. Some say God. Some say Jesus. Some Say Allah. Whoever or whatever your source comes from, we change. We transmute. We reach a higher level. Hopefully. Sometimes we become more base. That happens, too. No, I am not going to espouse reincarnation. Although, after watching shows like Ghost Hunters and Destination: Truth, well, I‘ll just say I am more open to possibilities.

In the words of the great performer extraordinaire and metamorphosis master Jim Carrey, “Allll Riiiggghhtty, Then.”
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