Friday, April 9, 2010

Strong Is My Kung Fu

Sun is at my back. To my left is the Waste Management truck, do its morning rounds. Listening to the powerful engines picking up my neighbor’s throwaways. A week of trash, built up. Put in blue and green dispensers. Heavy at times. Sometimes, filled to the brim. The weekly heroes go on their way picking up the stuff we no longer to be need. Stuff we no longer want. Their job is to carry life’s trash. 

Lysosomes, Do What?
Sometimes, we have weeks when our trash fills beyond capacity. Sometimes, not so much. You and I need to do that. We need to let it go and dump the stuff that weighs heavy on us. Our cells have these organelles called lysosomes. One of their function is to digest old cell parts. Another lysosome’s function  is to break down larger food molecules in to smaller molecules. I am sure there is some organelle that disposes waste, but simply I can’t think of it and I can’t find it.

At any rate, we got stuff to flush. We got stuff to get rid of. These puppies get worked. Think bigger now. Think of your Liver or Kidneys. Their purpose is to flush the toxins out of our bodies. One’s got to rid themselves of the kegger and shots we had the night before. We can only sweat so much out. We need the filtration organs to clean our bodies.

Praying to the Porcelain. . .
Think of your house. We have a separate room to cleanse ourselves. A place to flush away unneeded. A place to excrete. A place to dump. A clean place, I hope, but it is place of solitude. A place to rest, pick up a magazine, and just relax.  

Leave Your Worries At the Door
Church has place like this, too. At St. Mary’s, Saturday at 3:30pm to 5 pm, we unload our emotional baggage. We search for absolution. We confess our failings. Never went, but I may soon. Few months ago, morning mass. Unthinkable. Now, I miss it when I don’t go. When issues weigh on me, I now pray.  I unload. Now, I thank the Big Smile for listening. Now, I thank the Big Smile when for guidance. Now, I thank all-around for providing what I need, for the gifts all around. Started letting go and now never felt lighter. 

Answers come in the events that occur. Messages are loud and clear now. Sometimes, it is an unusual a song on the radio. At times, is a flash of inspiration, like when bathroom lights turnoff. Sometimes, when I wake, it is there. It’s the Answer. It’s the Flow. Some might say, I am in Maslow’s Self-Actualized stage.

This blog unexpectedly has been my unburdening. It has lightened my spiritual,  physical, and mental load.

Another Time. . .
Must stop right now. There is a manager’s meeting going on behind me. (I’m no longer in my driveway) Body language and the tone of the facilitator and the group are of despair. It sounds disingenuous. I see the guarded language. The body language of the servers are crossed. No smiles. Frown on their face. An angry voice rises. The facilitators tone is of a disappointed father lecturing to his children. Laughs are of guarded reserve. Not the load boastful, belly laughs. It is of nervous, awkward tension.

Thinking back at the times when I was manager. Oh, how I would do things differently? Think this meeting, I would start by getting feedback. Have a mini-bitch session. Solicit honest answers, listen to heart-felt responses, and hopefully receive well-thought options. Relax them first. Raise the level of the meeting’s energy, then collectively make a group decision. It would have to be a rah-rah meeting.

The tone is changing. When I hear the code words of “Teamwork” “Accountability” and “Efficiency”, it reminds me of a time of Was. I was this. . . I was that. . . Now, I try not play that  game anymore. Trying to be in the moment, searching for the best in people. Seeing the stuff between the lines. See the smile on the face. The crinkle in their eyes. The scuffs of their shoes. The Gait in their walk. Listening to the tremor of their voice. Watching for inconsistencies. Trying to listen to the metamessage.

Soul Power
Well, this post is done.  My message is that the answers are all out there. Borrowing a line from the movie (Yes, another one), it comes from Stephen Dorff and Morgan Freeman’s movie The Power of One.  “The Answer is in Nature.”  This morning, the answer came in the form of Waste Management truck. Funny things, just realized I had the answer before I knew what the question was.  My soul’s speaking and my Kung Fu is strong.  

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