Monday, June 28, 2010


Plans Change
Day did not goes as planned. It was a good one, nonetheless. Found myself at B & N. Planned on driving to the Pasadena Arboretum. Planned on taking a trip, a voyage of place unknown. Plans changed.

Got the inkling about going to the movies. Instead I found myself at Barnes & Nobles. A fair exchange I say. No Knight and Day. No Killers. No Grownups.  No Get Somebody to somewhere. Instead I just caught up with some journal writing. Caught up on some postcarding. Caught up on some magazine reading.

Journal Breaking At the Seams
Not the driving trek I had expected. Not the thrill-seeking visual entertainment I had intentioned. Still, I found it a "marking off the to-do list" kind of day. June is almost over. Couple more days and we would have completed six months of 2010. My journal is thick. Filled with ticket to dance concerts, spelling bees, movie stubs, cards to join the priestly vocation and other memorabilia of the year past.

Getting Right
Its funny how quickly the year has gone by. Its funny the stuff I did daily I no longer do. This troubles me. Still this six month review has been very eye opening. Much stuff I’ve done. Much stuff is still left incomplete. Angelo is jumping in to the pool with no life vest now. Prece is birthdaying in a week. Lynn did the Bee. Been to Hoover Dam, flew in a helicopter, sat in a river in Big Sur. Visited Missions. Stopped by the Getty and Descano Gardens. Been to the beach at least once every month. Went to a Hindu temple. Took photos of Totem poles and flowers. So much to do, yet, there is much unaccomplished.

As the year goes by, my to-do list gets bigger. Not smaller. Why is that? More I do, the more I want to do. Long and short of it all, I find myself completing task I never expected or planned on doing so quickly. Yet, there are still some long standing dreams still unaccomplished. The daily journalizing and  month reviews make me wonder if I ever will. Are the things crossed off because they were easy and had little value? Are the perennial to-do items undone there because I am afraid, because they are not important, or because bad timing? Whatever it is, I find it a bit disconcerting.

Lion's Mouth
In your life, have you accomplished all that you have hoped for. What dreams have you given up, just let go? Maybe given up isn’t the right word choice. What dreams of yesteryear have been put on the back burner? I am afraid to look at my old to do lists. Afraid to look at some of my old journals. It’d be too depressing me thinks. Alas, got to my head in the lion's mouth. Face it and stand up. Half of the battle is won just by showing up. Half of the battle is participating. Half of the battle is being prepared. Blah blah blah

Wrote a few postcards to family and  friends early in the day. Writing loved ones these postcards remind of promises made long ago. Writing made me think once and future dreams. Made me think of a quote I wrote, “Conceive, Believe, Receive "If the mind can conceive it and you can believe it, then you shall receive it.” It made me remember promises I made to myself and others. Made me think of the stuff that I put pen to paper. These mini-contracts, these covenants with myself and the Big Smile to accomplish. This six month review reminded that work still remains undone.

Symbol, Always Unfinished
At a once-a-month writing group, I fixated on this fellow sribbler's outfit. It was a silk Chinese Kung Fu Boxer top. Black with Gold inlays of symmetrical pattern. It had circle with lines inside them. Somehow this doodling led me to  draw the pyramid with the eye in the middle. If you look at the back of a dollar bill. It is this image that stuck throughout my day.

Takes Work
An unfinished project. This was intentional.  The Constitution was built on this basis. This unfinished experiment. The Founders of America planned on problems that they could not foresee or conceive.
I mean they got the slavery problem considered with 3/5 of a freeman. It only took a Civil War to get it resolved. Now the issue with privacy looks to be forefront. The Second Amendment still is an issue today. Look at the last Supreme Court Nominees.

Look Above
With warrior drones flying overhead bombing some terrorist in a distant country, it seems to take the humanness out of war. This fighting and killing without looking the person in the eye. Its all become a videogame. Trouble is that could be me or you at the end of a smart bomb. Drone planes are flying on the border of Mexico and the US. Promises of protecting privacy by Facebook and other social networking media is becoming synonymous with promises of a balanced budget by politicians . 

No Secrets
With TMZ papparazing in on people’s lives. With talking heads criticizing referees calls and the indiscretions of Tiger Woods, Jesse James (Sandra Bullock’s ex) and whatever flavor of the month. It is getting disturbing to imagine we have any privacy rights at all. Sure in theory it seems okay, but with Big Brother’s video cameras everywhere it seems hard to say we have any privacy at all. We are scapegoating immigrants for the ills in the economy and worrying about the Mayor Villaragosa’s ticket luxuries.

Seriously there are more pressing issues.So many going-ons, BP oil leaks, rising racism climate, and general ennui with economic breakdown, we concern ourselves with whatever tragedy de jour.

Ground Underneath Shifts
So what am I trying to say? Stuff will reach a critical mass then  stuff will occur whether we like it or not. Civil War, 2012, or wherever LeBron James decides to go, it is just par. Earthquakes happen. Ice ages too. Revolutions—French, American, Tea Party—are said to be good once in awhile. Dinosaurs once ruled the world. Divergence occurs. Tectonic plates shift. Paradigms are altered. We need wholesale changes at times. Can you imagine a time without Microsoft or the Ipad?

There is a certain battle between chaos and order. Between Republicans and Democrats. Between Celtics and Lakers. Dynasty rise and fall. Knowing these happen. Knowing things left undone is the norm. Knowing death occurs and life will continue, there is a certain solace, a certain belief life will go on. Maybe if we are smart and we will start prepping for a Flood or an earthquake? Noah was right.

Perhaps Jesus resurrection says something. Born again. Be Forgiving. He did not conquer armies like other religious leaders. Yet they call him King. He was betrayed by his followers who denied knowing him. He died at his persecutors hands for committing no crime. Yet he lived again. He was Son of God and God. He was Alpha and you know the rest.

Moldy Bread
Perhaps this cycle of life is more than mitosis of DNA. Perhaps we will be re-born? Does the Dalia Lama have a franchise on this being born again? Muhammad said, if we can make penicillin out of moldy bread, then I am sure that we can make something out of you. (It was Ali, not the one married to Kadijah)

I like what Maximus said from the movie Gladiator, “If not in this life, then the next. . .”

Please Answer It In a Form of a Question
Well, I still have much to do in this one. If its penicillin, then let it be that. The Big Smile will put us where we need to be at the time we need to be there. Heard somewhere, there is 6+billion people in the world now. Coordinating and planning I am sure takes some work. Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos have their magic to work. Ah Tangled Skein, thanks Mr. Anthony.

Wasn't sure how to end this post so I will leave it as the form of a question, Mr. Alex Trebec, “What is On the Road Again. . .?“ or “What is . . .Wait, There’s More?”

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