Feel My Flow
Saturday. Juno's on. Okay. I stopped the video. I'm sure it is a good flic, just not into it. Been false starting a lot of late.
Enter the Dragon
Got some Dragon Blood incense burning. Need something different at the moment. Sunny outside and here I sit. Thought about writing on the full moon last night, but just wasn’t in to it. Its been that way for awhile. Not being into it. Been feeling Flow-less of late. Been swimming everyday. Been writing every other day.
Its Genetic
Been asked to do Ballroom dancing with a friend. Sounds fun and I think I am in. My Dad was a dancer. A good dancer from what I understand. Always said, before getting married, if I get married, I'd learn how to Ballroom. Maybe this is a precursor for something. Who knows? Sounds fun. My brother Kevin took a Ballroom and he has been good in about everything he does. I am incredibly proud of Kay Kay. My sister-in-law’s nephew dances too. It looks fun.
Color Me Bad, A Time Remembered
Remember years back at the frat days. BU Sig Eps threw the best mixers. Mrs. Gold, Alpha something. Toga. Boy oh boy, I was intoxicated. An angry dancer, something to prove. Something that I needed to get out then. Not a couples dancer type at the time. Got that anger out of the system. Thought about dancing as a minor. The "E Effect" again.
Lombard Street
Yet Tango looks like fun. Smiles, coordination, a little attitude and personality. A certain, "I got this" attitude. Only one I remember dancing with, being in sync with was. Well, actually two. Ahhhh. Let’s not go there. Too many twists and turns, like Lombard.
It was Michael Jackson's death anniversary yesterday. All these dancing videos are on. Remember the Time, Smooth Criminal, Dirty Diana. Perhaps, unconsciously I equate dancing with Life. With Energy. With Celebration.
In Sync, Not Really
So where do I go from here? Laundry is drying. Kitchen is a disaster. Getting new counters installed. Granite. Maybe a swim. Maybe a run. Maybe I will just continue writing. But about what? My usual process is to type and it just flows. Perhaps my chakras are blocked again. Perhaps, I am just not feeling in sync.
Just Jump
Dragon blood smells red with energy. Bathroom has some oils burning. Linen. Like fresh laundry. Always loved that smell. Smelled like renewal. It smelled fresh. It smelled of “Vigor again.” A life lived to do again. Saddling up. Getting back on the horse. Taking a jump. I should follow my Uncle Juhn's example. Get on the zip line in the Philippines and just hang on. Always loved the smells of freedom and risk.
Moment of Pause
It’s funny. Always considered myself the thinking type. Logical. Analytical. Orderly. Now, its been more spontaneous, un-planned, more energetic. Guess, like the feather in the wind Forrest Gump-ish. History, destiny, universe giving me a nudge here and there. Looking over these last few days, it has been uneventful. Maybe it's time to pause and collect myself.
Getting Messages
Recently adjusted my google calendar to send me email reminders of museum days. The blackberry buzzes for awhile. Many I would like to attend. Forrest Lawn Mexican Museum, the Getty has few. Ones to attend feels like the La Brea Tar Pits and Natural History Museum.
Odd thing, I noticed my viewing choices of late are of the history channels.Seeing these shows and museums strengthens me. It invigorates me. Makes me think there is life out there. It has been there. It will always be there. It sends my soul messages. "Get out there learn from it. Go make some history yourself."
These visits to the Descano Gardens, Getty Center, Hearst Castle stirred something. Life, I guess. Media moguls that made fortunes like Citizen Kane. Able to make these beautiful homes with incredible gardens and forests.
Flower Flow
Noticed that the flower vibe. I think its the "E Effect". Blame her. She’s projecting and I picked up on her flower vibe. She hasn’t written for a bit. Hope things are well. Now, I've been stopping here and there on the side of the road taking photos of flowers and trees.
All Kinds
There’s meaning and purpose to this. Just don’t see the bigger picture right. Maybe its from the Phenomenon movie. John Travolta's character picks a bouquet of wild flowers from his house to his love interest Kyra Sedgwick. You'll have to see it to get the meaning. As for my reason for taking photos of flowers and trees, I don't know. No love interest at the moment. Answer will come. This I'm sure of.
Funny at the Descano Gardens I found myself taking lots of photos of trees: bamboo, spruce, redwood.
On the trip down from SF, on the Coastline and Big Sur, I was amazed at the little pockets of trees on the side of the mountain. Green and lush on the yellow, maize hills. Green trees hugging the jagged silver coastline. Beautiful entities that hides the rivers, hides the mountains, brings shade to weary traveler. So much history.
Buddha and Bohdi, Spiritual Enlightenment
Perhaps the fascination began with learning the spiritual significance of the Bohdi tree. Read that the Buddha found enlightenment in the tree's protection. Perhaps it has been the vanishing Josuha Trees close to home. Perhaps it was the drive to Zuma with the Totem poles. Funny, started with the dance and now trees. Don't the significance of trees to the soul, but there is calmness there. Been feeling the inkling to go to the Pasadena Arboretum. Never been. Just learned about it. Maybe its time.
Can’t watch the show the Ax Man. There is purpose in what they do, however, it feels like whale hunting. Not something that feels right. Perhaps, it is the environmentalist emerging inside of me. Stop the Oil Gushing, BP
Sitting out Big Sur just felt energizing. Trees all around. Lots of energy. It felt like wearing clothes just out of the dryer. Renewed. Well, it is time to go. Got to look at the Bonsai, she's calling. It needs some love and attention.
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