Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget. . .

Last night, Kevin’s team won. 42-7. It was a beating. Nice.

Last few years, Palmdale and Hart High have been battling. PHS was on the losing end of most. So it was nice to read in the Valley Press, “Palmdale deflate Hart; QB shines.” 

Friday Night Lights
Going to Friday night football games has been a ritual since Kevin started coaching. Watching Precie and Lynn scream for a touchdown. Seeing Luz talk to the coaches’ wives. Having mom buy kids nachos and soda. 

Yoda, Force Is Strong In this One
Wrangling 3 year old Dorian around the bleachers is a workout. He does like the stairs. Calm down at football game, Never happens. Cheerleaders, mascots dancing around. Forget it. If he has an inkling of Kevin’s ferocity, Hart has a beating coming to them.

Football Family
If you never been a part of a football family, it is something. Cold, windy nights at Riewer Field. Driving on the 405 to some rival’s home field. It is the McDonalds run afterwards. It is the cheering of “P-Dale” It is listening to the schools that still have band in the curriculum. It is knowing your weekends are already planned. It is the thrill of the do-or-die game for Golden League supremacy. It’s the playoff runs for State. Nothing is like being part of a real Friday Night Lights.

Patriots Lose. Patriots Win
Some eight years ago, watching the Super Bowl, when the New England Patriots won after 9/11. Patriots winning the Super Bowl in defiance of terrorists attacks. The symbolism couldn’t be ignored. Could not help think of the families affected by tragedy. Could not help think of my own family and the Friday football nights.

Watching high school kids living their dream in the biggest media celebrated game of the year. Watching the ceremony for 9/11. It is tear-jerking. Knowing that nearly 3000 people killed at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the fields of Pennsylvania.  So many lives lost. Made me think of my own family and how lucky I am to have still around.

My Hero
I am lucky to have a brother like Kevin. If you don’t know it, he’s my hero. Don’t have many heroes and I do not like to use this word generously. If you knew him, it would be easy to understand why. Didn’t have many chances to watch him play in high school, but when I did. He was a sight. His face being painted on the “Ultimate Warrior” fashion (WWF lore). Talking smack against players a foot and half taller than he. Weighing a buck more than Kevin. (A Buck is a 100 lbs)Watching him cut down these giants and getting in their head. Think Rudy in real life. Playing with a broken hand. What set him apart was he played with heart. No other way to put it, a true football warrior.

Winner, No Matter What Scoreboard Says
Can’t tell you how important it was to watch him coach. He is a sight. Passioned. Calculated. Present. Sitting in the booth calling the game. Strolling up and down the sideline with his headset. Patting the players on the helmets  in praise. Playoff runs. Watching the after-game huddle and prayer. The ritual hug and kiss of the kids and wife. These are what I love most about him.

Admittedly, this may sound bias since this is my family. I am not.

Family Remember, Respect
On this solemn, Saturday morning I would like to say a prayer to those that lost loved one 9 years ago. To lose a family member, that has meant a centilla of how I feel for Kevin. All I could do is lower my head in respect. Nearly 3000 families affected. Tragic.

Still, I refuse to let my head stay hung. Out of respect, their loss will not be forgotten. People lose, we all do. However, there will be a return to balance. The struggle is fun. It is inevitable as the oceans crashing into the beach. Victory is assured.

Celebrate Everyday
As long as we remember to paint our face in Ultimate Warrior fashion. As long as we scream in joy for our loved ones. As long as we remember the battle never ends, then we know that better days will come. As long as we remember to have the after game huddle and prayer, regardless if the contest was victorious. As long as we continually give the ritual hug and kiss to family members, alive and deceased,  then rest assured victory is already won.

This post is for my brother and for the families of 9/11. If we never forget, we have already won.

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