Gurgling again. It wasn't Jocelyn this time.
Death Rattle and Roll
The young man with the Justin Bieber haircut was seizing again. He began twisting in his chair and was about to fall out. The young man with the choke hold was losing grip and I sensed his desperation. Went over to the curly haired man and asked if needed assistance. His voice seemed calm, but his eyes were troubled. He didn't answer me, he was still on the phone. He was losing control and he needed help. Guess all that gurgling and coughing got to him
People Change, We All Go Through Transformation
It finally got the other people’s attention. Thank goodness. One lady asked if he can use some water. Another walked to front of the store to get a manager. Another helped prop the seated one up. The young man, was really a boy.
He said,"Everything is alright. Mike has done this before." Devon, the curly haired one had brown napkins on the next seat. He said again. "I've handled this before. But I had doubts. Normally, when someone is helping another get through a seizure, it common practice to place the victim down. Holding them up by the neck,I'm pretty sure, is not in the manual. Plus, lying one down, can ease vomiting problems. Putting your hand in a seizing person’s mouth may not be so wise. Could lose a finger or two.
Devon was a young man. People lose brain power in time of crisis. He needed help and I just read my comic book graphic novels. Plus, I just saw Thor. I was pumped. Now is time to be a hero. Devon was Batman. and I was going to play Robin. (Nightwing if your avid comic book reader).
Started humming as more people arrived. It was that Beattle classic, written by Paul McCartney, from the Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart Clubs Band album, “Oh I get by with a little help with my friends” It seemed to lighten the mood, which is always good in a tense situation.
Had to commend Devon for being so calm during the episode. Its not easy dealing with a seizure at such a young age, actually any age. Spoke to their mom about what happened. Spoke to Mike and said it happens. No tears, no worries. Gave Devon a pat on the back and gave some advice in the future on how to handle the situation if it happens again. And No I did not discuss the finger in the nose.
Moral of the story is that we got lucky this day. Could have turned out a lot worse. We pick up things every single day. We learn things that may seem useless. May seem childish. However, life has a way putting us in position armed to make a difference. With Comic Book dreams and knowledge of palmistry. We think it doesn't matter. It does. It all counts. We may think we do not have an impact. It does and we do.
Reading or writing about heroes may give one the courage to step up when others pretend nothing wrong. Maybe it is that little bit a trivia one picks that can help in the problem solving process. Maybe it is calling 911 or offering a drink of water. We all have something to contribute. Just knowing that other people are there helps us get by.
Another piece of advice: Pick your own nose, not others.
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