It was an accident.
Just looking on Facebook to see what the lady's name. Attending Zumba class on regular basis, one sees the same face often. Here and there we introduce ourselves. Some names are remembered and other times it falls in the recesses. One smiles in recognition and yet name recall fails. After awhile, let's say a year, smiling happens but name exchange fails. In time, a long time, we just smile. Don't want to be rude and ask their name again because to not know their name would be "sucky"
Well, that happened to me. In my pursuit to find a person's name, one inadvertent tap on the Iphone screen may have sent a friend request to a fellow Zumbaer. I say this because I got a Facebook friend acceptance. Hardly know this person. I know who this person is because I am often behind her in class. She is close companion of the one I like to watch move. This one is always on point and is light on her feet. If she denied the request, I would have never known this request was sent. Now I am afraid that mistake may sent the wrong message.
Its these accidents, It happens more often than naught. Few days back, I was headed to Lancaster. Taking the back roads, I had this feeling I should have turned left on Avenue P. Almost to Avenue M, I see cars taking a left. Normally, this does not happen. Heading left would mean driving toward the airport, and eventually turning back to Palmdale. In other words, I would be making a U turn. At the four way stop, a police car had the road block. Should have made a left when that feeling hit.
Of course, I had to be in Lancaster in less than twenty minutes. On Avenue P, it was going to be longer because there are more lights and the train tracks had a fifty-fifty chance of being blocked off. Got on Avenue P, and there it was a single lane. Yeah, orange sign saying "Right lane closed. "Figures, normally a twenty minute drive was close to be an hour drive delay. Not the plan I had. Being late is one of my pet peeves.
Finally getting where I needed to be, it looked like my delay was right on time. Person I needed to see was headed to small claims court. She was in a fender bender with an uninsured motorist. Apparently the third car in the driveway, the one with the damaged right front end, had someone hiding in the front seat. Not thinking it was anything worth of note, I went into the house to the open door to meet my friend. Asking my friend what's the story with the damaged car and the person sitting inside. She had no idea who the person in the car in the driveway.
Both of us walking outside, we see the dust fly in the air. She recognized the car and it apparently was the road rager that hit her car. Not saying anything would have happened to my friend if I had been there on time. Really don't want to think that way. Yet I can't escape the feeling, I was there when I was supposed to be.
When these unforeseen delays just manifest themselves over and over. I don't hold this frustration and anger as long as I used to. These gremlins I no longer rage over. Don't want label these incidents as "happy" accidents. Just seems that incidents are just curve in the road that needs to be driven through. Just have the faith based belief, that all will be revealed.
So this surprise friend request, I will just shrug it off and say "Thank you" Bigger plan is out there and I just pray that all will be revealed.
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