Its that initial push. Its the acceptance of the backslide. Its the moving on, where wishes meet habit. Beginning of the New Year is always a good place to begin anew. Its a time to start over. Let go what's been holding you back. When I hear people breaking resolutions, I find it a habit of negative self confidence. That acceptance of being less than your expectations. Sure there are reasons people fall, but to say it so depressingly. To accept what has been done before as reasonable excuse. It so defeatist. They may cry its not realistic expectation. I answer than Why? If the initial condition is not satisfying than alter, Alter attitude or change condition. Accept what you can't and fight for what you can. It seems an easy formula to understand.
I think its challenging to execute.
There are so many reason why people fail. A lot of it seems self defeating. Just need to find that reason to succeed. Making it inevitable. Making the result an afterthought. Finding that place in your mind where it manifest. It seems once that place is found all the vibrations in the world make that a reality. We subconsciously/ consciously create that world.
Guess this is why I have been drawn more to the arts of late. Drawing. Origami folding. Posting blogs. Its this need to create. Its this need to let subconscious Flow. Perhaps this a first step to Maslow's Actualizing. Being All You Can Be. This idea that thought are substantive. Seeing and appreciating the arts more makes me realize more and more of its importance.
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