Monday, January 4, 2010

Injuries--Life Necessities

Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 Promises Made, Injuries Endured

Barnes and Nobles—Trying to stay on 2010 promises. Blogged earlier today. Had to leave the house because there was a ton of people. It was a New Years get-together. Mostly, Luz’s family. When I left, kids were playing upstairs. The rest were watching Hangover. I don’t think they knew the Lakers were playing the Kings. If they did, I suspect they would be watching that instead. Earlier, they were watching Florida and Tim Tebow play against Cincinnati in some bowl game. Gators were winning 33+ to 3. Blow out. At one stint, a player got hurt. Dislocated his elbow. Ouch!!!

I know the feeling. Dislocated mine wrestling. A good wrestler from Ridgecrest caught me in a double underhook. Tilted me over. I planted my left elbow. Heard a crunch. I had an OBE, Out of Body Experience. I heard a shout from over there. Little did I realize that shout came from me. My season was over. Kind of glad in a way. No longer running after practice. No more cutting weight.

Injuries, I had a few. When I was 4 or 5, I was pushed off a slide and broke my left arm. Leaned on a glass table and had to get stitches for my knee. Broke my clavicle playing football. Strained or tore my ACL playing basketball. Turned a few ankles here and there. Injuries, just a fact of life.

Recoveries: Paths from Injury's Lessons

Recovering from an injury:one of the trials all of us must face. I don’t know anyone that hasn’t to take that road to recovery. We can all relate. Sometimes these injuries are life-threatening. Sometimes they are just require some chicken soup and a band-aid. After going through my share of funerals last year, I realized there are injuries to one’s soul. Battered children, sexual assault victims, and the gamut suffer an injury. These assaults to mind and soul can dramatically effect the person makeup in ways that cannot be visibly seen, like a cast or a bruise. However, we can see it. It’s there. One just needs to be observant. Look at the defense mechanism they use. Are they inappropriately angry? Do they shout and scream for a relatively minor thing? Its regression. Are they saying “You sound bored. “? Are they accusing you of cheating? May want to reverse the mirror and look at the accuser. Are they denying or repressing some past hurt? Maybe, a friend of yours is studying or working extra hard? Sublimation.

Super Heroes Have Issues
Batman. Punisher. Daredevil. Spider-man. Captain America—All these Superhero character, Sublimators. All of them. A great pain was caused to them and they endured and turned all this emotional angst to something positive. Batman’s millionaire parents were killed by a criminal. Bruce remade himself to the Dark Knight to protect Gotham. Frank Castle had his family gunned down by a mob hit-man. He became a bad mo-fo kicking ass. Matt Murdoch became an a crime-fighting red ninja, kind of. His day job was attorney-at law. Peter Parker, dead gramps on his conscience, chose a life at the Daily Bugle instead of the WWE. Steve Roger was skinny nerd that shot up super anabolic steroids. Later, he had combat training and kicked some butt. All put a costume and fought crime. Why? Because they were wronged and they decided not to be a victim and chose to whoop ass.

I bet you know a hero right now. Police. Nurse. Physical therapist. Counselor, Teacher. They are all around us. Need inspiration. Read the Bible. Torah. Quran. Pick up a history book. Got to comic book store. They are all around us. Who your hero?

Public Humiliation Fires Me Up

Injuries effect more than the body. They affect the mind and soul. I am don't want you think these acts upon another were character strengthening. I have been the bully and I have been bullied. It is not nice being the victim and hopefully with time one learns it is not nice being the brutalizer either. These psychological injuries can be devastating. Nonetheless, one needs to decide to get better. First, they must accept the circumstances happened and then they need to decide to do something about it. Good or bad. Its really up to you. Wear a costume. Put on a badge. Go to school for a psychology degree. Whatever, it is one can replay the damage caused or one can decide to do something about it. Writing has become my medicine. Little personal history, during a class discussion, My Advance English teacher used one of my papers as how NOT to write. I remember him looking at me and snickering. My friends chuckled at my discomfort. Mr. Slay, thanks for blasting me. Sabbatical from writing is over. Now, I’m on my road to recovery.

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