Don’t know what happened that made you go so fast. Been silent these last couple of weeks. Cocooning wondering what these next three months of 2010 will bring. Tasked out some stuff I would like to see and do. Don’t know if I will write or blog anymore. Not sure. Seems of late that times of silence and times of reflections are coming these winter months.
Don’t know where this is all coming from. Just seems its time to get back to basics. Handwrite letters. Make phone calls instead of texting and messaging. Time to look people in the face instead of photo album of Facebook.
Met some many nice people Saayidah and the Artists Way group. Writing groups, too. Had fun at the Eyeopener Toastmasters. Had fun at Chess Club. Enjoyed the roadtrip with Jason to No Cal and back. Connected with long-missed friends. Steven, Tammy, Elaine, Corrines, Lisa, Miriam, April, LeeAnn, Cynthia, Diane, Michelle, Ramandeep, Ramsin, Marc. Sorry to see some people leave, Heather, Dana, Mary. Sorry never had a chance to really connect Brian and M. Met via FB family members I never knew, Minnie, Aunty Mary,Winnel, Roselyn, Rosette, Mark, Larry, Pia, Barbara and Aunty Pat. Reconnected with cousins and aunts that made think how too much time has passed. However, time seems to be calling for something more. Time to introspect. Time to Inspect. Time Its time for something, different.
A few days my computer crashed and I lost some of my pictures, music, and documents. It was bit disheartening. However, it was time for a mass cleaning anyways. Life has been feeling cluttered. My computer tech guy will be bringing whatever documents and pics he can. However, it is time to cocoon. Time to Feng Shui. This computer loss was not as bad as I initially thought.
Started writing because I had something to say. Now not so much. Think its time to listen and enjoy the present now. Don’t think right now what the future holds, but I know that its time to sit and pray and gym it. It is time to Bucket List again.Time to get with the Big Smile on a more one-on-one.
Just want to thank the Big Smile for all that has been given. Thank you for all the family and friends I met. Thank you for the sights seen and experiences had. Thank you letting me share some of the things I have learned and seen. As a person said, “It’s better with company.”
This is not goodbye or anything. It is just time for bucket listing. Then Bucket Doing.
Think its time to go.
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