Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Call of Duty: Decision Points

Hearing the Call
Call of Duty—This is what Heroes are faced with. Some will answer the call. This is a popular recruitment theme for the US Marine Corp. Heard Manny Pacquiao may be hearing a call. He may be answering wholeheartedly soon. This may be his final fight, the one upcoming. Win or lose, he carries the Hopes and Dreams of many Filipinos.

Decision Points
Last Sunday, I attended the AFI Film festival. Watched movies from 1 pm to Midnight. Would have gone longer for the Midnight Mystery flic, Julia’s Eyes, but that would have meant getting home at 3:30 or 4am. Something, I no longer want to do. Angels have been watching over me when I was driving home sleepy. Don’t want to push my luck. There are Decision Points.

Star Power
Felt a certain pride waiting in line for the new movie Facebook link to AmigoThe Movie. Not that the line was long, and it was. It was that there were so many people wanting to see this move. It’s a feature film with B List Actors. Not the star power of Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, and the like. But the actors you would definitely would have seen before. Movie was a period piece, time line about the turn of the century movie of the US and Philippine War. US exercising the Monroe Doctrine liberating Cuba and the PI from Spanish rule.

"I Love AFI" Guy
History, Lesson Learned
Learned about a decision point. Movie explored the time critical to development of a Philippine nation. It gave an account, an understanding of the cultural distinctions and developments of the Filipino people. It was in Tagalog, but thankfully it had English subtitles. Understood some of it not being a strong native speaker. (This is something I am proudly working on.) It is nice to understand the context in which one is born in. It is vital to understand the times of the people, the social mores, the technical advances, the world events of a person.

Our Time
For me, growing up TV was a babysitter. Latch key kid was common. Comic books were my first taste of the arts and literature. People played outside. In time, Atari, Coleco, PacMan, and Apple injected into the culture. Internet Explorer, HBO, and the Showtime Lakers were the Giants of my youth. Now, these days, Direct TV, Iphones, Firefox, and GPS are the norms.

Continuation, Last Samurai
Certain themes come to light as social mores develop. Recently finished the 47th Ronin. The backdrop of the story reminds me of events happening today.   Economic hardship, the transition of class structure, and the doubt in government solutions. While, watching films of the AFI, the stories were of Redemption, Hope, Hardship, and Perseverance. There were themes of fulfilling a loved one’s dying wishes, Father’s love, Familial duties and expectations. My AFI watching theme was  unconsciously that of Continuation. These movies were Second Gate to Sleeping, Princess Montspiere, Screaming Man, and Amigos.

Fact Is. . .
In our Collective Unconscious, Heroes go through tough times. They suffer loss. They are faced with the choice of lying down or getting back up. There are fundamental truths. When dealing with social mores must fight and/ or accept events. There were great personal and community loss and hardship. There are/ were bad things in life that happen. All of us face this. All of us. Yes, I mean all of us. The return to better times is simply not possible. There were always something good and bad happening. Always. We could examine the past and long for comfort of simpler time, but that would we be missing what we have now. 

Moments In Time
Been visiting many LA museums of late. You name it. I’ve been there or will be in the next few months. There is a beauty to seeing of the past. It is nice to view someone’s interpretation of something wonderful of his or her time. Still, that is where it belongs. It is natural for people to evolve, develop, to change.  It would be a life unlived to have the same views one had when they were in their teens for their thirties, and on.

Everyday we should be amazed by something.  There is so much beauty out there. If we can’t see it, then we are truly wearing some blinders. Or perhaps our hearts aren’t open and they should be?  Many long for a return to innocence. It is with amazement of the view, we long. It is that freshness one misses.

It's A Wonderful Life
Clarence, It All Counts
Choice is simple.  Remember you are a tourist here. The time we have is borrowed and at some time we will need to return the body we have to the owner. It is just the way it is. Yet, to look through old eyes and a heavy soul is to miss many things.

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life"--Muhammad Ali
Given not all of us have lived life of happiness. To this, I say. Its your fault. Yes, Your Fault.  If you have been wronged and you probably have, then would it not be a shame to be remained locked in the chains of your past. You only strengthen the ties of those long gone and undeserving of the precious moments you have left in this wonderful world. If you have been fortunate to be blessed, then it is your duty—your  Call to Duty to continue this practice. Happy people suck, at times.  I will agree, this is true. If you can’t beat them, well, you know the rest.

Insanity Is. . .
So for those willing to explore new avenues of life, ready to let go of the ties that hold us back from being more, I salute you. For those, unhappy and depressed. Its time change Clubs and find Fun again. View life as a kid again. The definition of “Insanity is. . .” Stop if, you heard this, “. . .is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Those already Happy, the Best Parts of Life, usually had Company during these moments. 

Looking Back
Pacquiao, I hope you will Finish well. Amigo Film Director John Sayles, thank you for bringing me some understanding of my cultural history that Books can’t give. Thank You, 47th Ronin for reminding me of Higher Moral value is one of the immutable truths worth living and dying for. Forty-Seven Ronin

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