If we can just bottle this feeling of opening day. Having this feeling of. . .this excitement. . .this hopeful anticipation, there would be nothing we could not do. Face any challenge, vanquish any for, touch every star. If only everyday, we could think and feel this way. If only. . .
We can. We should. But why don’t we?

I won’t go into the times that Dharma has laid the smack down on me. Let’s just day, I am convert of Good Intentions and Happy Thoughts. If you haven’t seen or heard of Emoto’s Water, Google this, too. emoto water molecule story link If we can just make it the daily habit, that everyday has a profound sense of awe.
Sadly, we don’t have this habit. For this I am grateful for Opening Day. A general coming together or like-minded individuals, hoping and anticipating something wonderful. Haven’t been to a Doyers Opening Day yet, but I can tell without being there that there is something magical going on. I’ve done a couple of races. Participated in a few 5Ks and marathon runs. All these people have all this pent up excitement that one can taste it. It fills and expands all those around. A boundless joy ready to burst. So sweeping that it comes out the pores of everyone there.
I am reminded of the AV Poppy Fields. They are not blooming yet, but its getting there. The fields of Orange bursting all around. Can’t quite describe the magnificence. Its just an orange brilliance. In the the desert of the AV, with windmills and mountain backdrop, it is quite a sight to see. Atop of Kitanemuk Vista Point looking over the orange fields, I can’t tell you about its beauty. Its something one has to just see and experience. Kids run boundless in the orange ocean. Old ladies and gentlemen, walk with cameras in one hand and with grasping their loves with the other.
Ah, Opening Day. AV Poppy Fields. There is nothing like it. Anticipation, Hope, Inspiration—Gotta Have It. eschscholtzia-californica-glad-i-jumped link
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