Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gremlins Strike Again. Only Strengthening My Resolve

Gremlins Strike
Been losing stuff lately. Lost my headphones for Ipod. Lost my New Balance that has my Ipod sensor. Today lost my black moleskin. It had 30 bucks in it. I know it’s not much, but still, the books had stuff I did not want to lose. Nothing I can’t replace, it just it sucks. I don’t want to give it more time and energy because the Gremlins that hid it from me will enjoy my depression. I am upset by the loss. Yet, not so much.

Found--No Longer Lost
Last night at a church meeting, I found a letter that I somehow was in possession of. Must have picked it up accidentally when I had the meeting with the Father. The father coincidentally attended the meeting and I  returned his missing letters to him. It was good feeling returning something that was lost. There is something about finding lost things.

Search For Meaning
There is something about losing something of importance. I’m sure there is a reason for it. Right now I don’t see the bigger picture. Maybe it was the chance coincidence I had with the priest. Maybe it was that I needed to return to St. Mary’s at the time. Whatever reason, I hope to find my book. I liked it.

I was taking a day, doing laundry. Meal Planning, dishes, and general chores. Worked out this morning, too. Jumped in the freezing cold pool. Prepping for a Polar Bear thing. Watched Part of Ali. He’s an inspiration. Not bad of a start for the day. Spent sometime looking for my Black moleskin. Checked my car three times.  It wasn’t in my clothes. I was planning on paying a late fine for the library and catching a flic.  The black moleskin had stuff that I wanted to keep. It had notes that were important to me. Maybe losing it was important to re-visit those things that I wrote. Whatever reason, its gone. 

Gremlins. Well, that’s enough energy on this.

What was lost can be replaced. What was written can be re-written. What can not be done now, can be done later. Gremlins, good effort.  Can’t beat me.  In my forty days, I am getting the program. Won’t let little things get to me. In this process of change, I am learning so much more. Intentions count. Set backs are just part of the program.  Setbacks are strengthening my resolve.

Emoto's Water Crystal
If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us.  Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water research.  I got the photo from the  Masaru Emoto website If you don't know about this well, I let you discover the power of thought physically effecting objects. Click on the national anthem themes. On YouTube, check out the positive and negative energy on water.

Need a shot of feel good
Please click below.

Muse--New Dawn  New Dawn

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