Monday, August 2, 2010

Cycle Begins Anew. . .

Time for Change
Spending time to write this month. Making a more concerted effort. Its time to re-invent this blog. Hero’s journey seems a bit cliché-ish. It seems to run its course. Like a comic series that has finished its run. The good ones lose readership. Others re-invent itself and finds a new vein to explore. It feels this way for me. The journey that I have ventured feels a  bit tired. A long trek with various highs and lows feel like a Tour de Something.

Thing is, where should the adventure begin? What demons need to be conquered? What road should be traveled? Don’t want to head off in the deep, blue sea without a metaphorical mountain to climb or monster to vanquish. Where do want this adventure to take us?

This blog has transformed. This exploration has become one of Spiritual discovery. Used study as my vehicle of exploration however, this does not seem enough. Took courses in Bible as Literature and Philosophy of Religion. I’ve visited some Missions and seen some temples. Read more on the Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. I’ve met with priests and watched DVDs on various religions like Mormonism, Christian Science.

Every new religion I’ve liked. Every new one has parts that is soul touching. I'm ready to be a proselyte. Ready to be a priest. Ready to convert. This may be blasphemous. However, is this any different reading a good book in the library? A good spy novel. A new graphic novel. Themes of falling, themes of redemption, themes of death and re-birth. These are just many stories in the holy books. In the Koran. In the Bible. In the Book of Mormons. In  Talmud. All these Heroes and Heroines battle some oppressor. 

How is any different than a good movie? Movies cite each other building on the modern mythology of cinema. Digging deeper in the old cinematic arts it seems to be revision of something already done.

New Hampshire. . .Its What's New
Today’s movies and video games are just a re-interpretation of something already done. A-Team. Get Smart. Mission Impossible. Inception (Matrix). And so on and so forth. New movies are just remakes of old comic book storylines. Avengers, Thor, Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, Green Lantern Fantastic Four, SuperMan, BatMan. Not saying that this is wonderful, being a former comic-philiac, it is just that there is certain ho-humness.

Guess, this alright. Certain continuity expected with all the heroic figures gracing our creative, heroic worship-sphere.  Like prophets sharing the word of the One. Like denying three times the task of evangelizing, then eventually acquiescing to the Call. Battle upon battles, conquering and losing, surviving and thriving. 
Guess it the challenge of looking at events with new eyes. Looking at the moment right here and now is the really battle. Battle of ennui. Battle of fighting corporatism. Battle of cocooning and exploring the world out there. Some people explore the past to learn  the future ahead. Some people explore the future in order to create a past. Whatever ones calling, there is a certain transitory nature that cannot be ignored.

Fires Are Good At Times
Guess, this is the reason for my adventure for exploring the past. Perhaps there is an answer that will reveal itself for a question that I have not asked yet. Maybe Shiva will come and make some much needed room for renewal. Well, this post has met its end.