Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Minutes left

Little over an hour and this day is over. 

23 hours fifty nine minutes and 59 seconds. Went by fast. Faster than I care to admit. Closed my eyes. Woke up in a shower and then I was driving by a bus that had its blinker on. Car was tail gating me and thought if I stopped abruptly, I would have gotten rear ended.  Next had to make a choice about getting gas now and being late 15 or getting there 3 minutes late and then stressing if I would get to the gas station without pushing. 

Got shocked that there was gas station that had $6 + per gallon, then later realized the place had no pumps. Wasn't sure if the place was abandoned because I saw no traffic inside or out.

Had a psychic moment with a lady named Stephanie. After much deliberation on what to do for her birthday, we thought of the same exact thing she should do for her birthday. Adopt a baby. It was creepy. My arms got goose pimply. It was like when you think of someone then the phone rings and it is that person you were thinking of. Only thing is were in the same room. 

Making fries
Closed my eyes and I found myself in an elevator wondering how did I get here. Still did not want to contemplate too long. Stuff needed to be done. Ran a few errands at Sam's and Target. Picked up a couple cases of water and some rotisserie. Since no meat for me I grabbed a quick lunch.Had a slice of cheese pizza. 

Closed my eyes for sec and I was staring at man making fries the old fashion way. Nothing in a frozen bag. He just got a big spud, placed in the spud slicer and Waaaaa  Laaa. fresh fries. No fregerator time. Went to get some food for the Moms, Inn N Out. Nothing for me. Already got slice and its been no meat for me anyways.  Stopped by 24 on the West side. Wanted to get the Iphone armband, then had to say, “No.” The sale I thought was going on, wasn't. There was a fifty percent off, but it turned out to be for the Android. Was going to get three, but just was no longer. Day too late.Went to the Super Sport in Lancs. It appears Iphones sale ended yesterday. Should have bought them then,  but the front desk girl that would get credit wasn't there. Used to work at Fitness center so I know it counts. Got a bike one instead. Think it worked out for the best.

Lifted instead of rode. Weight is lower than expected and I am okay with what has transpired.

Didn't get much when out. Stuff I was looking for just wasn't there. Another day I guess.

Didn't go to the Writing Club again. Its been a few months since I last been. I want to finish up with a write. A serious one before I go back. Its just these moments, these days go by faster and faster.

Its Buddha’s birthday tomorrow. There is stuff I would like to do tomorrow before heading out. Stop by Santee. Morning Mass. Quick in and out at the gym. Freeway drive than cake and singing with the birthday boy. Hopefully, we'll get back before traffic gets too congested.

It says 55:30. Less than an hour. Finished two post yesterday. Gone one done today. Read an article about an Island where people don’t die. Life is slow and the environment is pretty. Octogenerians are middle aged and those breaking the century are more than abundant. Seems to good to be true.

Worrying about time may be counter productive. Learning about the factors related longevity is great, but here its counter culture. Fast food, instant information, immediate answers and responses are standard.

Honestly been letting the day control me. Not getting done what needs to be done. Letting other things dictate the day. Trying stuff all that I can with time I am given.

Still, guess it is the Type-A thing in me. Every minute feels less than a full minute.

Anyways, Moral of the Day: Yesterday comes faster than we think and it is vital to get a handle of tomorrow so as not let today pass me by wondering what just happened.