Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gattacca-ified: What's Your Passion?

"Soak up the Sun," "I Believe. . .," "Are You Strong Enough?"--What do these have in common? If you figure it, leave it on comment.

Questions Spark Post
Questions on posts have sparked interest for me. Had one person state lines from movies and one had to guess the movie. For some reason, I was hooked. It is funny how certain lines triggers certain heuristics. Mine obviously include comics, sci-fi, movies, heroes--Modern Mythology. I have been reading a book to increase your intelligence. Thought it would be fun to try it for awhile as an exercise to increase the mind power. Lately, I have been living at the gym and I always have been attracted to the ideal of the philosopher king. As a Sig Ep, Balanced Man was the motto. I even played Leonardo da Vinci in Jr High.

What Are Your Super Powers?
The book discusses various types of intelligence. When I studied psychology, it listed the three: Book smart, street smart, and art smart (creative smart). This book discusses mathematical ability, spatial-relationship, social skills, sensory-motor, memory, creative smarts, and so on.

In the comic genre, characters had various abilities, various strength. Hulk had superhuman strength. Doctor Strange was the Master of Mystic Arts. Reed Richards was a braniac. I don't know if you were like me, I wanted to be the best at everything. My Physic Instructor, Lutenhizer-wrote in my yearbook, "Jack-of All Trades . . ." I learned later, the rest of the line, ". . .Master of None." Ouch. It was true. That was who I was. I was okay with at the time. Until I got "Gattacc-ified" (I will explain later)

Never was the Elite. Top 10% of class, AP, Advanced,GATE for awhile. I was on track and was in some all-stars. Wrestling, JV at first,varsity later, but not Golden League. I just wasn't Will Hunting, from Good WIll Huting. People at a very young age realize there is a variant levels of abilities. There is always, somebody else faster, stronger, smarter, prettier. Heavy concepts for grade schoolers. Naturally, person develops feelings of inadequacies. Thanks, Eric Erickson and your stupid stages.

I admire people that are "unacceptingly satisfied" with their abilities compared to others. This I mean is they accept their lot in life and realize that some people have abilities,e.g., Einstein's smarts, Kobe's basketballship, Clinton's political skill. Yet, these people still strive to be better and do more. Perhaps, its genetically hardwired to strive and excel.

I ask, what are you good at? What are your superpowers? If your abilities--your powers--your skills that made you special were taken from you, what would you do and how would you feel? I ask because every day we are sapped of our ability. The taker of our ability is Age. We lose a little something--mental faculty, physical strength, charisma, etcetera.

Sure this a bit disheartening. However, I look at it as a gift. Our mortality makes our life richer. Borrowing a line from Duncan McCloud, Connor McCloud (another TV reference, guess) but "Do you want to live forever?" This finite gives us the kick in the butt to do what we want to do. I mean give a life expectancy of 70+ years what do you want to get done? Give us our inheritance genes, social status, and throw in a touch Fate--Taa Daa. A show that goes on.Tangeled Skein, Piers Anthony. Bucket List, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicklaus. You get a movie called Gattacca. By the way, that is where the Title of this blog came from.

Okay, let me say it this way. Find your passion. Write It Down. Be Your Own Super Hero. Answer to the questions, "How did do it? How did you accomplish, what you did? The response needs to be, "I Never Left Anything For the Swim Back" Look at all the supposed successful people in life in their respected field. Einstein had no fashion sense. Ali got whallopped by the government for views and had his titled stripped away. George Foreman got up from the mat and became heavy weight chance hundreds of boxing years later. Bill Gates will not be on the cover of Men's Fitness for his abs. You get my meaning.

No, Its not Survival of Strongest, Fastest, Smartest
Darwin states key concept of evolution is "the survival of the fittest." In society, it appears celebrity-dom is now the skill to be prized. Before, it was hunter-gathering ability. It was gladiator-dom. Then, Church political skill. Sport skill. Now, beauty attributes. In Romance Age, it used to be vogue to be fat. In the mid-20th century, skinny was in.

Popularity is In.
Social skill saviness--how many friends/fans/followers/subscribers do you have--are now being rewarded. Companies are paying bucks for one's popularity. Come on Oprah Winfrey jumping ABC ship and starting her own network. Its just Convergence and Divergence. Growth and Divesture. Telephone Industries and its Baby Bells. Critical Mass, baby.

Fate: Three Ladies Not to Be Ignored.
Yet, it could be gone. Fate could throw a curve ball. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos-will not be ignored. (Piers Anthony/Greek Mythology/ Fate--Wikepedia to get background)An earthquake here. A minor gaffe their and the skills, abilities, fortunes made--Gone. Tiger Woods had indiscretions and poof, sponsors said bye-bye. What once was prized could now be a detriment. French revolution, Tale of Two Cities--Being Aristocratic. Black and White Moths of the UK switch dominance in the factory polluted forests. Jackie Robinson and sports in general today. Look at Yao Ming and Asians in African American dominated sports. How about Jiu Jitsu--Not Asian thing anymore. Its BJJ and the Gracie lineage, if you don't know, ask any UFC/MMA fan. One hit wonders or be in the Hall of Fame. Cooperstown or America's Most Wanted. Perrenial/ Mainstay All-Stars or Flash Pan, A Moment In the Stars. . .

Well, anyways I said much ado about something. I hope this triggers some reflection and hopefully generate some foresight in your life. I hope you get the "Gattacca-ified" (Another blog post for another day)