Monday, August 16, 2010

Eagle Rock

Sun is shining and the day feels calm. Headed out the door soon and life begins again. Attended another family party in Eagle Rock. Throwing the Frisbee and football around. Talks of past adventure to the Bowl, to Tecumsah Falls, to Hearst Castle. Fighting off flies hovering near the tables of food. Sitting next to the giant Domo talking to kids about baby trees and searching for worms. Talking to the next gen about trips to Yosemite and Mission San Juan Capistrano.

Watching childhood cousins with their husbands and kids and I think of my own life. My own choices. I move on. Think about tomorrow. I look at today. Then I think, it has been okay. Blessed to be here. Blessed to alive. Blessed to have family and friends, to share adventures. To smile and cry. I look as the child as he bends over with a stick looking at discarded gum and roly polys. I see the awkward kick as the little lady of three throws the orange Hooters disc for the very first time. Unnatural as it is, knowing she will be okay.  I see the brown haired mini Pippy Long Stocking with clear blue eyes hugging her Daddy so.

Many of attendees I do not know. Filipinas with Hair-Did speaking my culture’s language. A tongue I do not know. I see the Filipino men, with their faux hawks and Androids. Texting their adventures with Facebook universe.  I see the uncles and aunts lounge by the park bench talking about stuff I don’t know.

Couldn’t spend more time this time. I was passenger on this mini adventure. She had to go. Searched for the rock with Eagle on its skin. Turned the corner and there it was. Had no time to take my picture because I was driving home this time.

Darted through traffic, she promised her work to be there on time. Wondered what my week would be like tomorrow as they slept inside. Thought of a wonderful day. Caught moments of Love when they were unaware. Won’t share them this time. These are mine. Tomorrow is today and I reach out for the energies are expanding.

I am reminded that things are alright. Instead of fighting some wrongs, I rather sing a few songs. I am reminded to do what is necessary, it is important to remember what is important. It’s moment like yesterday, that fuels the fire for tomorrow. These are the moments that makes walking out the door as important as other things. It’s the work that reminds us that things are okay. Its sharing moments of past. Its planning of future tomorrows. Its digging for worms and bugs stuff. Its all the big, little things that makes everything important.

I hear a baby’s cries outside. I hear the Mommy’s negotiating tries and her exasperating sighs. Little lady does not understand why mom does not adopt ice cream first policy. I smile for time flies.