Wednesday, August 24, 2011


(A prompt used for a writing group I joined)

A pinkish, grey banner that had been red in the webbing of steel beams. . .

It spoke of a time long lost in the “Utah” skies. It fluttered in the wind, as the sun and breeze, beat the hue of such a prominent family. Lost in the times where acres and acres of land flew under red and white banner of Kennecott.  Now, like the many family that have come and gone, the earth is reclaiming the land of another tenant, bent on conquering her precious land. 

Once they dug and mined my rocks. Precious jewels they call them. Gold, silver, and now copper. They take and take, but give none in return. They cherish their medals and statues. Foolish ants building mounds that which does not improve. So this is progress. 

Lo, these children, with such short lives, trying to mark this territory which is not theirs. Still, their 15 seconds burns like the stars in the night sky. Twice as bright and short on life. Not knowing the true meaning. . .still they move. Fast these creatures called  man. They live so quickly. First, the dark skinned traveling in their tribes hunting the sacred bison. Bringing their teepees and arrows. 

Then the blue coats from across the sea. They claimed discovering a new land and "New World." There were tenants before, Sioux, Chumash, Lakota. Many tribal nation tenants.. Evicted by these New Worlders.  Followed by the stagecoach and wagoners building a new life, a new home. 

Do they not know this is my home and of my children. They carve their statues, their monuments, to mark their place. 

Their monuments--their true monuments--are their children. Their family. Their people. Dust whence they came. Dust where they'll return. Star dust so precious. 

When they remember, all life is interconnected. Each one important and none should be taken so lightly. So easily. Their monument is each other. This is the true value. Not rocks and stones, but each other. Lesson still not learned by all.

Like hordes of insect building their mounds, their little towers that reach for the skies. They ravish thinking they conquered the lands. Like parents, letting children win in their little games. I allow them use of my beautiful lands. Trying to make it in their image. Once done, they let the land go. Nothing wasted, nothing lost. Nothing remembered, but their pinkish grey banner on the steel beams.

I will carve my landscape. I know these man child can create such pretty things. So beautiful reminders of courage and honor. Still, it is a wash. Room I must give to my tenants. Give them a chance to honor all is sacred.

I, Gaea, can only smile, a concerned smile. It is a lesson still unlearned. Such beauty. . .

Mining for riches and dreams for pieces of paper green. Bigger houses they can’t use. Oils that satiate their metal horses. Zoo-ing and slaving their fellow tenants. The horse. The cow. The bison. They think they are the master of all around. Such foolish games these children play.  They gamble away their treasures, their future.

First conquering the animals, than with each other. They can't even conquer themselves. Dreams of power. Dreams of conquering. Dreams of dominion. I must, at times, shake their perspective, remind them who is the true Mother. Send my other children. Storm, thunder, flood, and quakes. Forces all around them. They in their pride act, as if, they are the dominant one.

Look at the roach. Survivor of war. Survivor of Ice. Survivor of the Bombardments of Space. These “Men” are just a blip. Age of the Dinosaur was a time. Tiny and small. Large and massive. Eaters of meat, chewers of green, these were an age when the times were lush. Green was a time. Massive trees. Massive beings all around. Nothing wasted. Herds roamed free. Cycle of life turned continuously.

Now these ants, these children, these men, they strain me. They drain me. Children of man makes me erupt with anger and fury. They fire the skies with their petty quarreling on lines on a map. Stupid these ones are at times. Can only pray they find their wisdom quickly. So quickly. Perhaps they can find peace amongst themselves.

They hear my anger. Let the lands rumble with my displeasure. Let the winds sweep across their residence. Let my waters evict those that hurt my other children.

A deep sigh. . .I close my eyes for these children with their funny banners and their steel beams.Maybe in they will see their grandeur. Maybe they will see my other children also have grandeur. Perhaps, they will honor and respect their place in this circle.

Such promise, Dinosaurs were children once. Perhaps, Perhaps.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Waiting for the A/C to Kick In

Almost midnight and I am wide awake again. Half moon outside and the wind is not blowing. Feeling the summer out the window. Tomorrow is minutes away and it feels like forever.  It feels like the Earth Stood Still.

Leaving in few days. Gonna see some sights. Going to bring the night mask to block the noise outside. Won’t be driving which gives me time to peer out the window as the sights just pass. Vegas lights, Denver Mountains, the Great Men. Hope to see Smoky and Old Faithful, too. Nature’s masterpiece awaits.

We take for granted the stuff right in front of us. Family, friends, the road outside your front door. Drove to the Fashion District a couple days back. Heard this older Japanese Man stand on top a ladder shout to the top of his lungs, "One Dollar, One Dollar, One Dollar." it made everyone smile. Couldn't help it. Watching all these women get ruthless. Opening plastic bags, tearing out the lingerie in the middle of the street, start smiling at the man sing his song, "One Dollar, One Dollar, One Dollar," 

Did you feel that? It just became today. Imperceptible these moments. In a blink of an eye, a dedication. A baptism. Just yesterday you were looking at an ultrasound. Next moment you are posting on Facebook her braces are finally off after four years. Read a friend, renowned for some bluntness, say some  kind words of thanks. Loved her either curt or caring.

We got lost in moments. Found myself obsessed with a person’s paper on legitimacy of govt sanctioned yada yada yada. Why? Because someone wrote that I shouldn’t use part of a military text and the reasoning is faulty. It fueled my fire. I agreed with the person, but to say I didn’t know what the blank I was talking about. . .well, I am just that way.Role playing a monster is fun.

Would talk about the uncomfortableness of the weather at the moment. I hear the sirens of a fire truck at a distance. It sounds like its getting closer. I know it’s a lull before the adventure. Maybe that is why I can’t sleep. Just helpless to this anticipation and heat. Bag is packed. Snacks taking half the traveling bag. Figure I will buy whatever clothes on the way. Eat the snacks, fill the bag with souvenirs and such.

Read how a relative got defriended by her sibling. Not sure what that is about, but hope it doesn’t last long. I had to defriend cousins myself. I felt were hypocritical. Pure 49er. Maybe its mindset. Maybe she is  hardwired. Could dismiss it as the ways things are. Thing is, all things change. Maybe she just needs a hat.

Been watching some of the Classics. Last three movies were Westerns: High Noon, Searchers, and Wild Bunch. Cary Grant, Gary Cooper,Katherine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor. Never saw these movies before. However, someone as deemed these "Must-Sees". Trying to understand some of the cultural icon references these have on today. Like what is the deal with Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cary Grant, John Wayne. I bet money the young ones have never heard some of these names.
When I spoke to my nieces and asked if they've seen the Terminator or Jaws. Asked if they knew Superman or Batman.The had to pause and think about it.When did I become the older generation. Guess it is like pause when it just became today. That was 15 minutes ago according to the clock. 

They've never seen a dial up telephone. When my nephew asked to play WII it just brings me back to a time when Coleco, Atari, Intellivision, video games were all the rave.Pac-Man, Galaga, and Defender were something to be marveled. They never heard of Pong.

A guy named Windfield lived in the house behind us. Had a dog named Edak. I don’t know about the name, but it was his dog.  He collected Pinball machines and video games, the arcade version. His front room had posters of Centipede, Donkey Kong, and other gaming classics. My education in the gaming history is Yoda smart. Guess, I am trying to say is that these hot summer nights when the AC has gotten the house to a comfortable coolness, one tends to reminisce and wonder about their place. 

Can’t stay here too long or we might crash into something and miss that next magic moment.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nothing Special. . .Until Realize, Everything Is Special

Two thirds of 2011 is used up. August goals ahead and I would like to accomplish a few things this month. First and foremost is pray a little more and shed some much needed weight. Spent all of last month just getting to the gym again. Had some backsliding and just 10 more days of a forty day streak. Swam a little, crunched a little, even rode my bike a little. Last night for instance, I had to tell myself, just check in and go from there. That was all I needed. Put on the workout gloves and I just did a quick 39 minute. Same thing for swimming this afternoon. Pool was warm and I just jumped. Was doing a 100 laps per day, but it just got too time consuming.

Been thinking about deactivating my facebook account. Not sure if anyone reads. I get a like here and there and the intermittent stuff made me realize why I went off for a month. We need to be part of a community. Family and friends stuff I read and enjoy. I get jealous of some of the pictures they have. I’m especially jealous of this one cousin. She goes everywhere. Machu Pichu, Galapagos, Spain—everywhere. Plus her sister is a stewardess and I get a bit envious. Shouldn’t, but I do. I see others with their kids loving life and think. . . that I rather not do much thinking.

Going on a tour for a few days. See Yellowstone, Rushmore, the Arches. Stop by Las Vegas, but Vegas is Vegas. Its something to look forward to. August hoping to knock off a few things off the bucket list. Soon September will come and wow three-fourths of the year will be done.

Been keep a diary of things I’ve done and seen this year and it seems that it is never enough. Hope that this feeling doesn’t change. Enjoyed the Sand Castle competition, the grunion runs, and whale watch. Like being with family to Sea World. I love doing the Mission thing: San Diego, Xavier, San Luis Del Rey, Ventura, and Santa Barbara. Would have liked to have flown on a Hot Air Balloon, but the Balloon Glow at the Citrus Classics was nice, too.  Rode an Elephant and I’m looking forward on Camel or Ostrich.

Soon the Winter will come and we will be saying thanks for Black Friday and the Holiday Season. However, I think we need to say thanks everyday for all that we are given. Saw some holy relics this year.  Part of the True Cross. Learned what an uncorruptible is. And I got published a few times in the AV Lifestyle.  Been encouraged by the writing group I’ve attended. However, what I am most proud is being an uncle to some very wonderful kids.

Not sure where life will take me, but I am grateful for the people and experiences that I’ve enjoyed this year. Don’t want to wait too long to say thankful for the experiences and connections I’ve made and maintained.  My perspective has colored my view and I reverting somewhat to what I was. Still working on the becoming part, but I think this a more life long thing.  As for things that I hope to accomplish this month. 1000 cranes. Read the Bible, Koran, and Torah. Lose some weight and complete my dialog this year.

Well, not much for inspiration for this post. More a report card on what’s been done. Big Smile, thank you. And those that read thank you again.