Sunday, March 7, 2010

Whiplash and Walnuts: This Ride Is Scarier Than Disneyland

Leaving Da Ville
Saturday—Headed to Walnut. On the road from Da Ville to the Nut. Its Aaron’s Birthday. It’s been some time since I was there last. Sitting right next to bags of siapao. Curry chicken is at my feet. Listening to some Taylor Swift’s Tim McGraw. Got to have a lot of faith when I drive with Aunt Tally. I’m lucky if I don’t get whiplash. She likes to brake—A Lot. A LOT. Whew, what one suffers through to do other things. I rather not drive. If I had a driver to get me where I wanted to go, I  would be in bliss. Actually, thinking about driving less. Get on the bike and just getting where I need to be. Kind of like the doctor in City of Angels.

Rather Ride, Than Drive
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy driving.  Rather take photos or write than be focused on the cars ahead, behind me, and to the sides. Too often, I get in my time machine and just drive. There’s so much out there one does not see when flying by. In the car, I miss much. We race  by and I miss the “California Lotto” sign next to me. I miss the cracks on the sidewalk. I miss the green, green grass.

 Breaking the Law
Uuugh.  She likes pot holes. Will not miss one of them. Not one of them. Not one. She's consistent that way. She's talking on the phone while she is driving. I try not to think about her not being focusing and just driving with no care in the world. It scares me. My heart can't take it. Yeah, we are merging on the freeway. Jerk, shake, brake. No, it’s okay. Breathe. The 16 wheeler semi is only 80 mph and we are going into his lane at 30 mph. Get off the F-in phone and pay attention. Breathe

Aahh, Thank goodness the Walmart truck has good brakes. I can still see smoke from the tires. Its so beautiful.  She still talking on the F-ing phone.  She’s not the smoothest driver at that. Hope we don’t flip it. We are only going 80 mph. She likes being really close to the steering wheel. At times, I think she is trying to read the license plate and bumper stickers. She forgot her glasses for this drive. Plus, she’s not that tall. About 4’ and some change. She has two pillows to prop her up. She is so small you can see her feet on her driver’s license. Let's put it this way, I feel like Yao Ming in a Toyota IQ when I drive her car.

Well, she has a crucifix hanging on the rear view mirror. I am reminded have to have Faith in others.  Yet, it is one of those times. I just close my eyes and pray we get there. No, two feet behind the Taurus in front of us is not tailgating. It's a 5 second rule not 5 milliseconds. Well, that is what she thinks. You see she knows-SHE KNOWS--SHE KNOWS--that the other drivers can read her mind and will adjust accordingly. We, humans, follow a different set of rule of following at least one car length per every 10 mph.  Those do not apply to her. She’s got superhuman reaction skills with *Optimus Prime brakes.  Well, that what I make myself believe when I ride with her.

Okay, I will take the phone from her. He's speaking to her son

Just spoke with Chris. He re-enlisted and is in the AZ now. I miss him already. Gave him some projects to do for me. Hopefully, he’ll do one of four. I asked him to follow me on my blog. Maybe, if I write about him he’ll read them. Looking to get a 100 followers. I guess, I can dream. Asked him to blog while he’s in the AZ.  Sunset or sunrise photo once a week. Post card once a month. 

Promises Made
Last task, Goofy picture at least once a week that has a toy in the background. It’s like the Verizon commercial with dad going to all these odd places taking pictures with a toy monkey.  The movie with George Clooney, Up in the Air something. He had a photo of his sister and her fiance. People all around the country would take photos  in odd places. It supposed to represent I guess that they are with them wherever they are.

So Far, Yet So Close
What I am loving about the internet, Facebook, camera phones is the ability to send people what you see instantly. Knowing that I could be there with you a click of my phone or mouse it makes me feel connected. I mean if you think about we are all connected. If we really want to get know each other we are just mouse click away. If you want to share your life with others get on Facebook. It’s not the same as the person to person contact, but if you think about we are really closer than you think. No one is ever really alone.

A Search for Mike. . .
I think of a promise I made. Visit Mike's grave. I have a half-brother Mike that passed away some years back. Never knew him that well and for some reason I been feeling this need to re-connect with family. It’s driving me to learn about them. This drive was calling me to visit my Dad’s good friend Marv. It’s driving me to learn about my cousin’s on my father’s side. Trying to learn of Father’s other family. I hope they will receive me. I know he passed but I still would like to say, “Hi.” I saw Mike’s picture when he was in band. He was on drum line and played football like my brother, Kev. Its on the Arvin Band website. Seeing his photos with his girl, it’s like . . .It feels right.  That’s enough for me.

Well, exiting the freeway now. Thank you Angels for getting us here.  I’ll live with the whiplash. Neck brace medium will do. Heart rate only 220 bpm. Got to cry now in joy and kiss the ground that we made it. Breathe

*Transformers--More than Meets the Eye

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