Thursday, June 24, 2010


Poseidon Adventure
Early Thursday morning. Day is about to start. Traffic rushes on by and the sun begins its climb overhead. Life is different compared to last week. It’s more stationary. Nondescript. Time for contraction. Time for introspection. Cocooning. 

Where Were You Last Week?
Last week me found me sitting in a lawn chair in some unknown river in Del Sur. It found my cousin and I at Mel’s Diner in San Francisco debating whether to $5 in quarters on table top jukebox. Debating whether to play the same song 20 times in a row.(It was a tough decision) It found us in the Gonzalez local cemetery asking for direction to Big Sur.

Today's Observation
Today, sitting on BJ’s corner. Watching traffic rush by as several hundred flying bugs dance around my car. Mini wasps I think. Thursday it is. Weekend soon approaching. However, how is this day any different than other? Expectations and hopes can manifest at a moments notice. Friends and family members are Facebook post and email away. Don’t forget that phone call, too. Everyday is a choice.

Postcards: A Short, "I Am Thinking of You"
Just received a postcard from an old friend. It was nice. She visited a place that I was at couple weeks ago. I got her psychic vibes to show up. Got there a week early. Funny, she was down So Cal while I was in Nor Cal. 

This postcard says to me an effort was made to let me know, "Hey, I am in your thoughts." Not the immediacy of an email or Facebook post. Effort was made. She put a stamp on it and mailed it. It's nice to get besides bills and junk mail. Think I rather get a postcard than email.

Here at BJ's corner, a Metrolink flies by, horn whaling. Six cars longs. Taking their passengers to some unknown location. Exciting.

What a Difference a Day Makes
Eight-four degrees yesterday. Prime swimming pool weather. Not too hot, not too cold. Just about right. USA Soccer won in the running time. It’s a unknown overtime for tied soccer games. Great win. "Never give up, never give up, never give up"--Winston Churchhill

Last Thursday, Rushing the Hearst Castle Tour, driving to Solvang for chocolates, and heading to Valencia to watch a Game 7  Laker game.

How's Your Progress?
How has your life changed from week to week? Day to day? How has the events of yesteryear changed? Good, bad, indifferent? Are you happy where you are at? Are you happy at the progress made? Is the place you’re in the place you wanted to be from a year ago. A year back, I was coming to grips with mortality. Struggling with weight gain due to diabetes and chf meds. Found myself running and swimming a lot. Trying to make headway on health stuff.

Looking for Inspiration, Finding Trouble Instead
Now things are returning. Not sure though if this where I want and need to be. More spiritual now and had seriously considered a priestly vocation. However, I read another article in the paper of another lawsuit against the Catholic Church. It is troubling to learn that one given the spiritual leadership responsibility again betrayed one’s trust. 

Also heard on the radio of the governor wanting to pay minimum wages to workers. Heard on the radio that a city will letting go of all its government employees. We hear of the Mayor of LA is getting in investigated on because he attended basketball games and other functions gratis. Aren't there other things to worry about?

Good is Out There
Its troubling and disheartening that this is what dominates the airways. The general sense of ennui. Learned of the God particle (it was trending on Yahoo). Also learned that Sun cycle or dormancy is unusually quiet. Does the world need a reset? I mean with all the eeeehhh in the world it seems we are going through these times of unrest.

Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited
Yet, I find solace and Hope that people survived troubling times. People flourished.  Before there was the European Rennaisance, there was the Dark Ages. Watching a segment of the History Channel to discover that the Vikings, the Jews, the Chinese, and the Polynesian may have discovered America long before Columbus. I find Hope traveling to the Getty Center to look at Da Vinci’s statues and the Old World Bibles. I find Hope that crash from Area 51 may have spurned on the production of Fiberglass and Stealth technology. (Big things in Palmdale) 

Whether these things are true or not. Whether you believe aliens landed on the earth, whether you believe sailors from Far East made all the way to California in a canoe. True or not it is idea that great things are done by ordinary people every single days. Albert Einstein also said, "When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking."

What's Wrong, Then?
Guess, the maxim “if it bleeds, it leads.” Has been bothering more than I care to admit. Talking heads tearing people down for whatever reason, not doing this, doing this, not considering this, failing to recognize that. When the climate to destruction goes counter to people’s spirit of construction, it this discontinuity brings a schism. A fault line in a soul.

Flower Power, Soul Power--Okay, Master Yoda
When a chakras are blocked, there is no Flow, no Force, no energy going through. No growth. Perhaps a roto-rooter needs to unclog this ennui. Guess, it starts me. Let everyone else follow. A higher purpose, a higher plan, a higher calling is needed and I am sure is in effect. Perhaps, it is everyone’s calling to overcome these perceived challenges. Some people wilt to pressure. Some people are hardened and forged by pressure.

Whatever it is, perhaps, this is what needs to be reminded of. Leave nothing for the swim back. Leave your wrestling shoes on the mat. Leave a standard higher than one’s before us so as the future can do the same for us. In the circle of life, in the Olympic hendriatus --Citius, Altius, Fortius—perhaps this what we needed to be reminded of. History is a force.

Right now, it's time to Be Expansive. Anabolize, instead of catabolize. (at least for a little while) Create. Build. What is a man (or woman) that does not make the world a better place? (Don't you love movie quotes)

Okay my rant is over. I feel better. Guess, I need to unclog. Chakra opening. Let the good times flow.

Guess, I forgot What do we really have control of? 

Our smiles and cries.

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