Last year where were you? In Garden Grove at the Fish Market for me. Five minutes from another life. It was my home for a couple of years. Fish tacos, rice, and an Iced tea. Home was some local hotel. Got comped when I didn't feel like driving home. That more often than not. Attended one of Kaprece’s meets when I stopped by the Grove. San Diego meet,I think. Last Saturday, I was at the Blue Pyramid of Cal State Long Beach for another. In many ways, I hope it never ends. Going to meets. If an when she stops going, it will mean she is growing up.
Time flies so fast. We think we have more time, but we don't. Two more days and we would have completed a quarter of the year. Ninety days gone. Gone never to come back. Like holding onto sand at the beach.
Been keeping a journal for some time now. Easier some days, harder others. Remembering what happened during. . . Recalling past events, planning future ones. There tends to be certain monotony, a malaise to these days. We do things over and over again, in hopes of accomplishing some task, reaching some goal. Discovering some truth we already know.
Are you happy where you are now? Why do I ask? Because its going to end. It is no longer to be the way you had wished it. Events change. Your feelings will change about certain tasks. Or events around it will cause the events you are doing obsolete. Jobs, locations, schools, workplaces will no longer hold the same wonderment as before. In time, a new love be discovered. It won't be like your first. It will never will. It shouldn't be. Its just different.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate it. I welcome it. Our empties, but it is refilled. It forces us to realize the importance of right now. Time demands to us pay attention to her. To cherish what is in front of us. It forces to let us leave the baggage of long ago. It hardens feelings and it makes us realize some things needs to be let go. We can hold on tight, but the sands of just slips away and forces us to grow and die at the same time.
Every day a new dawn begins. Every day the sunsets. Whether we accepts us this or not, it is hard to learn some things are true whether believe them or not.
Last year, where was I? Posted a few pics, March of last year. Giving a high school friend a ride to the airport. Having lunch at Farmers Market, her first time. Taking a trail in the desert that used to be a grade school oasis. Climbing rocks and finding an Easter surprise. Attaining a level of Reiki-dom, touching the fabled SR-71, doing Zuma, and walking in middle of Hollywood Blvd for the Marathon. Joined a book club and had lunch with Dana. These were the things I did last year at this time.
I no longer do some things with regularity. I am paying the price for that now.(Loving it) Other activities have taken over. Others things are more important. Others have faded. Going to God’s house strong since last year. It's become important to me. I’ve found solace. I found silence. I have found purpose and meaning here. There is certain fullness I feel when visiting a Mission or attending St Mary Mass. There is a certain-ness. There is a knowing a revealing, a continuity.
Not sure where all this came from, but is as if hearing music sings for the very first time. It is the rhythm. It slows enough for the message to be heard and understood. Where sound of music fill in places that are lacking. Can’t say that visit to Mission or churches will have the same effect as it does me. It is listening to the radio.
Changing the station. Shuffling through some static. No Satellite, Nothing pre-programmed. Just adjusting to the frequency of the universe until it says this is the station I should listen to. We grow up with a certain sound. We enjoy rock, hip hop, country. We listen to what feels like home. Then we change. We hear techno, house, blues, acid, speed rock, reggae. We discover that there is so much more. We discover. Where have you been all my life? Its that first kiss. We get to a rhythm, and a at times, we discover we are in cacophony of noises. It changes subtlety. A wondrous harmony transforms to something strange, unfamiliar, dulling. Then some how, another changes the station for us. Maybe its the Big Smile, maybe its a newborn. Maybe it renewed, a rediscovered love that gets us in tune again.
Our body, our soul. Our hearts beat with a different rhythm filling us with much needed sustenance. Oxgyenating our muscles, removing toxins, attuning us in ways that brings back to our beat. We need that turning point. we need that drama, that resolution. we need that first kiss again. And again.And again.
Alas, this song must end. Time for a new one to come in. Its calling and I am drawn.