Blonde. Big Brown Eyes. Soft-spoken. Waif-y type. She had a quiet, adventurous side. Its been some several years since we last spoke. She was smart, not the type to draw attention to herself. She was a sophomore and I, a junior, at the time.
Could Learn from Mr. Nice Guy
Tom and Blonde and brown-eyed had something. Serious relationship, I was not sure. Or I was not paying attention. At the time, he was more in, than she. I got the Mr. Nice Guy vibe. Reminded me of a Ryan and Patty relationship. Friends with no benefits. (Lisa if you are reading this, just nod knowingly) Frankly, at the time, didn’t care too much. My wounds were fresh. Recently broke up with my middle school sweetheart (again). It was rough this time. Blonde and Tom, figured, she could always say, “No.”
Tom and Blonde and brown-eyed had something. Serious relationship, I was not sure. Or I was not paying attention. At the time, he was more in, than she. I got the Mr. Nice Guy vibe. Reminded me of a Ryan and Patty relationship. Friends with no benefits. (Lisa if you are reading this, just nod knowingly) Frankly, at the time, didn’t care too much. My wounds were fresh. Recently broke up with my middle school sweetheart (again). It was rough this time. Blonde and Tom, figured, she could always say, “No.”
Long run, what do I know about any relationships? Tom married twice and I still haven’t gone down on one knee. Perhaps, I could learn a thing or two from Mr. Nice Guy.
Six Degrees
Through six degrees of separation and synchronicity, I’ve discovered that a grade school classmate was related to Blonde and brown-eyed last night. Honestly, didn’t know why Tumbleweed would send a friend request to me, we weren’t close. If memory serves correctly, kids were mean and she showed high maturity depthness that did not fit for the Fifth grade time.
She was the scapegoat for immature kids. Seriously considered ignoring the request, fearing repercussion. Did not remember if I was in nice in grade school. Don't think I was part of the mob of Fifth grade. . .At any rate, something nudged me to accept. So I did. Thought she showed forgiveness, courage and strength that many wish they had when she sent FB request.
Through six degrees of separation and synchronicity, I’ve discovered that a grade school classmate was related to Blonde and brown-eyed last night. Honestly, didn’t know why Tumbleweed would send a friend request to me, we weren’t close. If memory serves correctly, kids were mean and she showed high maturity depthness that did not fit for the Fifth grade time.
She was the scapegoat for immature kids. Seriously considered ignoring the request, fearing repercussion. Did not remember if I was in nice in grade school. Don't think I was part of the mob of Fifth grade. . .At any rate, something nudged me to accept. So I did. Thought she showed forgiveness, courage and strength that many wish they had when she sent FB request.
Met Tumbleweed (That’s the name of the grade school. Tumbleweed Elementary) Then met her cousin seven years later in high school. Then decades later, I receive a FB friend request from this grade school acquaintance, Tumbleweed. She was kind enough to open up and share. So I reciprocated some life story. Wasn’t sure on what this pending synchronicity was, but assumed it would be revealed.
In short, this discovery has not come with great joy.
In a group email yesterday, this Tumbleweed informed her FB friends that she was coming from middle America back to the AV. It was to announce she will attend a funeral in a few days. Wasn’t sure if this was just coincidence, however, the name looked familiar. Couldn’t find the deceased photo. However, A quick click here on the other FB friends, a couple names looked familiar. I thought well, Palmdale was a small town. Clicked on the departed’s ex and the face looked familiar. It was Mr. Nice Guy. His former wife passed.
In a group email yesterday, this Tumbleweed informed her FB friends that she was coming from middle America back to the AV. It was to announce she will attend a funeral in a few days. Wasn’t sure if this was just coincidence, however, the name looked familiar. Couldn’t find the deceased photo. However, A quick click here on the other FB friends, a couple names looked familiar. I thought well, Palmdale was a small town. Clicked on the departed’s ex and the face looked familiar. It was Mr. Nice Guy. His former wife passed.
Long story short recently departed was Blonde and brown eyed.
Won’t go into the details, but her passing was not by natural causes nor was it accidental. You can figure out the rest. Knew her briefly, but this incredibly synchronicity was disappointing to learn.
No Sense, No Matter
Logically, I should not feel as disturbed as I do. We weren’t very close and its been a long time. However, can’t help feel connected and empty inside. Its not that we were best friends or old lovers, it’s just someone I knew in high school, several graduations ago.
Logically, I should not feel as disturbed as I do. We weren’t very close and its been a long time. However, can’t help feel connected and empty inside. Its not that we were best friends or old lovers, it’s just someone I knew in high school, several graduations ago.
Moments Matter
I’ve read what the internet articles wrote. It has more meaning, because she was someone I knew. A connection existed. She had nice, warm smile. Her eyes had wonderment and brightness deep in them from what I remembered. Much has happened in between, My memories of classroom chats are vague and clouded. However, taking a late night drive with her on a rainy night remains vivid and clear.
I’ve read what the internet articles wrote. It has more meaning, because she was someone I knew. A connection existed. She had nice, warm smile. Her eyes had wonderment and brightness deep in them from what I remembered. Much has happened in between, My memories of classroom chats are vague and clouded. However, taking a late night drive with her on a rainy night remains vivid and clear.
Wasn’t sure if she was seeing Tom seriously at the time, but what I remember deeply was that she said, “Yes.”
We had nothing in common. There was nothing we really talked about that stormy night. However, our paths crossed and it was right for that time. Won’t dwell on the events leading to her passing. Won’t focus that we really didn’t know each other afterwards. I will remember, we spent some time when we needed each other. No talking, just a nice drive and looking at the city lights that rainy night. Haven’t thought about her for long time. I think about her tonight.
We never spoke later about that night. We took different paths. She got serious with Tom, eventually marrying him. I met my soul mate, but that is a story already told. We would glance at each other down the hallways when we were with our others. Just a knowing smile and that was enough. A pleasant memory tucked away.

This is about her. Perhaps, the nudge to accept FB request was this. Synchronicity. This is something I believe. Events have purpose. We shared this quick, fleeting moment. Yet, I now find myself putting this out into the internet universe. I have some reservation about sharing this since the circumstances are difficult. However, the best way to honor someone is to remember and to respect their memory. No one is really gone if you never forget.
Whether you believe in heaven and the other place. Whether you subscribe to reincarnation and karma. I hope you will share my wish that her spirit moves on, letting justice take its course. Her family and friends may have anger and revenge in their heart and they should. However, I pray these strong feelings are quenched soon so their healing can begin.
Heather, I hope that your soul finds peace soon. Although our paths crossed briefly, I am sure we will meet we will meet again. Maybe we can help each other to get to where we need to be again. Your presence helped me discover how deep my Love was. We will connect and be friends again, this I am sure.
What more can I write, except that her journey is not over. There really is no beginning to the end, just a return to innocence. May it begin happily anew.