Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Frank Capra and Dragonflies

For Facebook readers, click Link to Blog  http://ineversavedanything4theswimback.blogspot.com/

Let History Judge
It’s a Wonderful Life--Soon, this movie should be hitting the airwaves in a month. This was a commercial flop given high production costs and the competition of other films. This movie was a considered a bust in its time.  However, this has become a movie classic. Listed by the AFI top 100 greatest movies. Movie lines, like, “When a bell rings, an Angel gets his wings” or "Remember no man is a failure who has friends.” make these movies unforgettable. It's A Wonderful Life

What If?
How would the world be without you presence? Think about an alternate reality based on your absence. Would it be better or worse? Would it have meaning? Would the acts you commit influence the ages?

People would like to think that the voice they carry has some meaning. Many would hope that the left they took, instead of right, played a part in deciding the course in the history of humanity. Why would anybody get out of bed if it didn’t. Many don’t.
So why should you?


Somewhere Out There. . .
This took some time to answer. Absent of praise, absent of comment, absent of action has an effect.  Something will fill this void.  At times, good. At times, bad. Truth is Everything Counts. After you read this post, consider your actions, your thoughts, your feelings. Maybe not now. Maybe not later. But somewhere, the dragonfly flapping its wings in China will have caused a tsunami on the other side of the world. (Heather Wolf, Dragonfly was for you)

To Be or Not To Be
Look at your actions now. Click "Like" on Facebook or post a comment and poof strangers around the world have something to say. This is good. What you do with it, that is your gift. When people choose to remain silent, this too has an effect.  Too often, not pleasant.

He Stood Carrying Bags of Groceries
One of the most memorable things in my life happened on the other side of the Pacific some years back. A man carrying plastic bags of groceries stood up to four tanks. Alone in the middle of the street. There he stood.  Tanks would move to the left to get around this crazy man. He moved alone with his groceries in front of the metal giants.  Tanks banked right. Tianneman man countered, still holding the plastic bags. In front of them, he held his ground. Four tanks. This was ridiculous sight. I cried.

A saying comes to mind. The nail that stands up will get hammered down.

We all have voice. An important one. We can never know the effect that we have on others. Our view is limited. Some would say our capacity to know is tied to the amount of field in our view.  We, all too often, do not have all the information.  We never will.

Its a Mystery, but Things Work Out
Some things are true whether you believe or not. Our history has all too often proven this. World flat, Columbus discovering America (There were many before him), and so on. Some had faith to stand up and challenge dogma and long-held paradigms that were simply no longer true. I am sure Tianneman Man did not know what his actions had an effect on my psyche in Boston at the time.

Thing is we cannot suffer through analysis paralysis.  Some believed in something more. Some took that act of faith and jumped.  Like Clarence, the Angel in It’s a Wonderful Life, he jumped to save another.  We need to do this at times. I am not saying stand in front of four tanks or jump into freezing cold river. I am saying, We need Heroes. We need to realize that others out there matter. Especially the one in the mirror.

What Are We
It is our gift to act. To think. To feel. To be. To Love. Read a snippet at the Wayfarers Chapel.  “People are essentially clothed are spirits clothed with material bodies.” If you have heard of Qigong, If you have ever heard of Kirlian photography, if you have watched a Star Wars movie, If you believe in a religion, then you know there is a Force. It flows. It runs through us, in us, and with us.

You matter.  They matter. We all matter. One voice by itself is beautiful Several voices in harmony that is a symphony. A Balance must be struck between the needs of the many and the needs of the few. 

It Matters, All of It
So when you start feeling and thinking that what you are doing is ridiculous and have no “commercial value.” Consider this, ridiculous as it seems. A dragonfly on the other of the world flapped its wings and its effects may have caused a tsunami around the world. A man with a bag of groceries stood in front of four tanks and would not let them pass. A movie considered a commercial flop would become one of AFI top 100 movies. A person challenged conventional thinking and now we have Dish TV and the Internet (That doesn’t fit) That doesn’t matter.  Wait, it does matter. I was just testing you. 

We Need You
You matter. It all does. So stand up. Jump. Speak. Shout. Think. Feel. Act. Love.  Just don’t be absent. The world needs ya. We all do.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good (persons) do nothing’

Monday, October 25, 2010

Post for today 10/25/10

Tried writing to the few that read. Haven’t found anything worth of substance to put up.  Do not want to bore anyone with wasteful reads. Its been a year since I started writing and it has been a learning experience.  Had to cut down on the blog. Need to be more mindful with time. Quantity versus quality.  I know I have few readers and I want to thank them for your support. Just needed to take "Pause for a Moment."

Got away from the original purpose. Nothing bad, its just  this was the direction writing lead. Had to take a pause and re-evaluate the direction. Had to course correct. Haven’t read some of the posts, but I will. It is needed.  Need to examine what was right, wrong, and where I would like to go.

Think that I need to go back to talking of the hero’s journey. Talked about modern mythology, religion, personal history, and such. Stuff that seemed to stray away from the Hero’s journey. 

Well, so I thought. 

There is a need to get back to the roots. Some insights. Learned that during the evolution of this writing that it manifested to personal history, personal discovery of religion, exploration of the person, and a sharing of my life. This was not my original intent. Wanted to place some objectivism to this writing. However, could and did not want to get away from the personal stuff. There would have been a disconnect. These are vital to tone and voice I have developed. No one is robotic and this blog is organic. It needs to survive and thrive. Moreover, I learned when writing about hero's journey is to talk of oneself. It is to talk of our personal journey through they eye of the wayfarer and of the observer. It is to uncover the reasoning, feelings, intimations of the journeyperson and to view if from that of a Watcher. Both are vital to understanding the human condition and why people choose to act and think certain ways.
Not sure where it will lead, but this is a journey. One that I hope to enjoy and to have company. My discovery in this blog and some study is that Heroes are people. Ordinary people leading extraordinary lives. Many heroes have a basic needs: Love, Friendship, Loss, Redemption, Faith and Family.  

Heroes have some basic themes. Some are gifted with wonderful  powers. Some have struggled to through fire and brimstone. Some are accidental warriors. Some are just born of unusual circumstances. Some are ordinary with a sheer will to survive and succeed. Still all Heroes have certain commonalities.  We’ll be getting back to exploring this basic. The emphasis will be an examination of the commonalities.

Any insights, comments, and feedback is welcome. So, here it is. I never saved anything for the swim back. This are my insights, comments, and feedback. Writing has fired my need to reconnect with family and friends. It has helped me recover and discover my family history. It found me going to places I’ve never been. It has fired interest to have my scribbles published. It has made me want to document what I’ve seen and done. Some results: Started two more blogs. One on cooking (This is in the gestational) Another on Picture of the Day Take one picture everyday of the year. I’ve been invited to write on other websites. I have decided  to get published, too. This blogging has fueled my need to redefine myself and to explore areas I never considered.  It has helped me to Live Out Loud. To Live Brave.

Well, that is enough with the hoopla. Now is time to get some work done.

My renewed goals and aspirations. Hope you are entertained. So let me renew my Blog's Mission--Entertain. May she broadcast the message of Hope, a belief the Human Spirit is strong. May the posts cover the Hero's journey in movies, religion, sports, literature, comics, and politics. She'll discuss my personal experiences and observations. More importantly, I Hope, she'll touch a chord to make one think better, to act better, and to be better.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Answer: In the Form of Question, Please.

I Can't Go On, I'll Can Go On
Just finished the last few minutes of BandSlam. There is a song in my head, "Everything I Own" I Will Give Everything I Own. . .Just to have ya.. ." Vanessa Hudgens, Kaprece’s former favorite singer. She’s into Usher and Taylor Swift. Boy meets girl. Girl leaves Boy. Boy gets back the girl. Happy ending.

If life were that simple. It is. No, I will be the first one to admit, "Life is not a movie." Nor should it be. One hundred minutes does not encapsulate a life. It is everything and more. It is the sum total of what we are, what we experience, how we filter these feelings, thoughts, and imaginations. To think that life is simply work, school, wife, family, and the rest. . .well, it is this and more.

We Have No Control
Forces around us play havoc in our lives. Whether it is an unappreciative teacher or boss. Maybe it is the unloving and uncaring other. Maybe it is the economy and the Evil forces over there, in some distant land. We, at times, feel like a puppet being played by some marionette master. At times, we are that.

We Have Control, I Am Captain
Still, we must remember, we are the Captain of our own soul.  The body we have is a transport on who we go through during this life’s journey. Sometimes, the body gets banged up. Still, there is more. We are also the construct of what the brain creates. Mind. Our perceptions on how we see the world. They say the line between genius and madness is a thin line. 

Yet, the programming that mind creates, the heuristics, the sum total of what we know can get flawed, outdated, corrupt. At times, we need to reboot new software to the shell of the programming. Windows 7, Vista, 3.O and the like. Think, of the people with Alzheimer or Autism. Are they no longer the person we think they are because the mind is broken? INVICTUS, Poem by William Ernest Henley

Human Potential, May Be Limitless
Problems, Challenges, Opportunities
Person would quickly discard others as defective, broken, . . as being special. Well, they are. We all are. We each are more than the stuff we can perceive. Sometimes people go to a higher power for answers. At times, we need to pray. We do. 

I Believe. . .
However, there are unbelievers. Well, I am not sure entirely that this without cause. A lady close to me who denies certain things exist and pooh poohs this as ridiculous. Do I think there are other life forms not of this planet? Sure, it is big out there. “It would seem like an awful waste of space. . .” to think we are the only ones. Do I believe ghosts and afterlife? Sure, I am sure each one of has had or knows someone who has had an experience with an afterlife. Do I believe in God? Yes, I believe and love God. 

We each have a destination. All on its own time and situation.
Only One Answer, More Than One Answer,
Am I religious puritan? Hardly. Do I think there is more than the Bible? The Koran?  Bhagavad Gita? Yes. Think of all the many religions out there. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Wiccans, Hari Krishna and Sikhs. Could go on with other religions? But. . .this is not my point. There are certain truths we have face every single day. We are faced with decisions to make, do, believe, feel, and think. Sure, some are ridiculous. Sure, some are well thought. There is more. 

Muhulland Fountain

True Today. True Tomorrow. Never Was True. Always True
Paradigms are just body of beliefs that are relevant at the time. There are many truths have laid hidden. Some facts are suppressed, repressed, destroyed , manufactured in order to hold on to certain truisms. Logic for one has been used to justify certain life events. Religion has been used as weapon for horrible acts.  Laws have all too often been legal, but immoral. History is littered with atrocities

I used to enjoy sports. I used to enjoy politics. Comics, movies, books, and the like. I still enjoy many of these things. However, being locked to certain beliefs and feelings have been more of struggle these days. We need Heroes, real and imagined. At times, villains win. Sometimes, the Celtics win (Just kidding, I like Larry Byrd, Danny Ainge, and the Chief) Faith is at time hard-earned. Many problems are man made. So are many of its Solutions.

Facebook Fatigue
Sitting out at the Grind again. I find that there has been a certain fatigue. Been thinking of a concept of facebook fatigue. Many people I know personally have been cocooning. Not wanting to share stuff out there. Totally understandable. Putting one’s life thoughts, actions, beliefs, feeling, hopes in a post is tiresome. In many ways, it has been purely voyeuristic. Reading others thoughts, clicking like and adding oneself to a fan page. It has been somewhat exhibitionistic, broadcasting to the world. Look at my picture. Check out where I am. See how many miles I have done, read my ads, join my group because I know the good life. Perhaps, this is true. Don’t want to judge. Takes too much time away from enjoying where I am and who is with me.

Del Negro: Former All Star, Coaches Clippers
Go Both Ways
We have a duty.  I believe, we must give what we take. We must continue to provide guidance and patience for others to make way. Sure many will fall down. Many will not reach their dream this lifetime. That is okay. It is supposed to be that way. Many will not have the same dreams and wishes that you had. They are not supposed to. We are not our parents. Nor our kids us. We must face whatever is ahead of us with the body and knowledge (and insights) to respond.

Me, We or Me, Wheee
I think back to this saying. Muhammad Ali (the Manny Pacquiao of his time to those that don’t know) gave the speech at a prestigious university. All in attendance screamed for the former fighter to give them a poem. He was poet, a great storyteller. He said, “Me, we.” I heard of hit in a movie, “When We We’re Kings.” I thought what a magnificent social leader. Me, we are part of a bigger community. We are all in this together. Recognizing individualism and collectivism in a short two word poem. Later, I read somewhere another attendee , “Heard it this way. Me, Wheeee.” Meaning it is a good life and I am enjoying as best as I can. Both powerful possibilities. Both credible interpretations.

Guiding Light, Prometheus and Epimetheus
My point is this. Whatever fundamental truths are learned in the experience and totality of everything before and future, it all has meaning.  Sounds like gobbledygook (yes, this is a word) It may be. We must look to both the future and past for insight for decisions we make today. Both are relevant and irrelevant.  We must decide to hold on to certain values and truths and we must decide to go a very different way if the past is holding us back on who we need to be. We are decider of our personal realities. Prometheus and Epimetheus

Your Question, Your Answer, Your Life
Truth is this. . . 

(Enough Said)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Where's Waldo?

"Pull Over" Okay, I Will
October 2, 2010--Had to get out of the house. Needed to get away. Outside tapping at the keyboards just enjoying this nice autumn night. Can’t really tell in California, though. No demarcation from one season to another. It is just nice weather,  then not so hot, and back to nice again. After living back East, I rather have more helios. For me, I prefer the steadiness and sun

Just Sitting There
So what now? Well, its bucket list time. Found a website where I can start putting my bucket list on the electron internet-verse. Leaving a record of what I would like to accomplish. Having a guidepost of stuff I’d like to see and do. A list in which I can mark off things I have done. A reminder of what my dreams and wishes were before.

Little Things
Been using my journal to document this and I am a true believer in putting pen to paper. The act of putting a promise to yourself and what to do. Trouble is keeping reminders at times creates clutter.  Been reading a book of Feng Shui and learned something. Clutter, in a nutshell, not so good. I have clutter. Think its genetic. My dad had stuff all around, too. The garage is also a bit messy, too. Bedroom is like that. Clutter, time for you to go. You are are effecting my Flow.

Let Go, Let Flow
One principal states that one should remove the clutter. Let the energy flow. Don’t get stagnant. Reminds me of the Buddhist thing about carrying stuff and how it can bog you down. We are given what we need and we should leave what we don’t need.

Something Happen For a Reason
Well, the gist of this is that these last couple of weeks stuff has been swirling around the cranium. Stuff has been stirring in the emotional core. Body’s feeling backed up. Holding all this stuff is not good and a nice house cleaning may be in order.  My laptop crashed and I lost a lot of stuff there. Still, not too terribly torn up about it. Guess I needed to wipe the slate clean with stuff. Go tabula rasa.

Enjoy Where You Are At
Well, sitting out here in the patio of It’s a Grind. Feeling the swirling energies of the cars behind me. Listening to the crickets sing their song. Enjoying a nice hot cocoa. It feels nice to feel the swirl. To let the energy centrifuge the unnnecessaries out. It rained and lightning-ed (I know not a word) a couple days back. It was cleansing.  It is not the same as getting my ions recharged at the beach, but for now it will do.

Clockwork.Few days back it was the hottest recorded temperature for this time of the year. 113 degrees. Thought it would be an ideal to wash the car. You see I have got this gift. Whenever I go to a restaurant, less than 5 or 10 minutes, it gets busy thus slowing down the servers from getting or order in a timely. But that is not my greatest gift. I can solve the water problem in California. You see whenever it rains, the next day or two it showers. Well, like clockwork. Wash car Tuesday, rain on Thursday.  You are welcome.
Sitting There On Side of the Road
Anyways, just want wanted to enjoy the now. It is just nice to smell the rain in the air. Looking at the clouds hang so closely. It is nice to see the contrast of something a little dangerous and calming. For the longest time, I’ve felt calmest during the storm. My old Myspace had that background. (Think its to delete this one) Well, anyways, its almost eight and I think I’d like to just enjoy my hot cocoa.

Yeah, he's in all the pictures. Something told me to stop at that time. I then started clicking away.
Up and Away
Sorry, no moral. No theme. Just a pleasant sharing of thoughts with those out there.  Guess, I wasn’t ready to say, So Long. Getting the vibe to just take a moment of pause. Sitting there on the side of the road taking picture of the San Andreas Fault line on Highway 14. I realized that I wasn't the only one there taking a moment. Looked up and there he was. Guess, he needed something, too. We all need something. Needed to get some perspective. Needed to Elevate and Escape. Needed to know I wasn't the only one that needed to take a moment. At times, life goes by so fast that it would be best to just pullover on the side of the road.You'd be surprised there is much  to discover and appreciate.

Think It's Time

September, Goodbye. I barely knew you

Don’t know what happened that made you go so fast.  Been silent these last couple of weeks. Cocooning wondering what these next three months of 2010 will bring. Tasked out some stuff I would like to see and do. Don’t know if I will write or blog anymore. Not sure. Seems of late that times of silence and times of reflections are coming these winter months.

Many things I have been seen these last 9 months. Many things I've done and still I would like to do. Don’t know if I will be FBing either. Twitting has been silent lately. Think this social network may be running its course.

Don’t know where this is all coming from. Just seems its time to get back to basics. Handwrite  letters. Make phone calls instead of texting and messaging. Time to look people in the face instead of photo album of Facebook.

Met some many nice people Saayidah and the Artists Way group. Writing groups, too. Had fun at the Eyeopener Toastmasters. Had fun at Chess Club. Enjoyed  the roadtrip with Jason to No Cal and back. Connected with long-missed friends. Steven, Tammy, Elaine, Corrines, Lisa, Miriam, April, LeeAnn, Cynthia,  Diane, Michelle, Ramandeep, Ramsin, Marc. Sorry to see some people leave, Heather, Dana, Mary. Sorry never had a chance to really connect Brian and M. Met via FB family members I never knew, Minnie, Aunty Mary,Winnel, Roselyn, Rosette, Mark, Larry, Pia, Barbara and Aunty Pat. Reconnected with cousins and aunts that made think how too much time has passed. However, time seems to be calling for something more. Time to introspect. Time to Inspect. Time Its time for something, different.

A few days my computer crashed and I lost some of my pictures, music, and documents. It was bit disheartening. However, it was time for a mass cleaning anyways. Life has been feeling cluttered. My  computer tech guy will be bringing whatever documents and pics he can. However, it is time to cocoon. Time to Feng Shui. This computer loss was not as bad as I initially thought.

These last nine months I need to expand and fill gaps, but something thinks its time to contract. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s the time of the year. Maybe it’s a friend sending vibes to come in. Don’t know. Whatever, the need to write and share has been a hitting a wall of late. Think it’s time for a new direction. Time to finish this series. Next few months will be flying by. Halloween, Kevin and Angelo’s Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. It is time to fill my life with more stories. Time to process.

Started writing because I had something to say. Now not so much. Think its time to listen and enjoy the present now. Don’t think right now what the future holds, but I know that its time to sit and pray and gym it. It is time to Bucket List again.Time to get with the Big Smile on a more one-on-one.

Just want to thank the Big Smile for all that has been given. Thank you for all the family and friends I met. Thank you for the sights seen and experiences had. Thank you letting me share some of the things I have learned and seen. As a person said, “It’s better with company.”

This is not goodbye or anything. It is just time for bucket listing. Then Bucket Doing.
Who knows tomorrow? I might go on a run of posting. At this moment in time, September 30, 2010, it seems to reflect and rejoice.  Whatever tomorrow brings I want to thank the universe for giving me everything I ever needed. For those that commented and emailed me, thank you so much for your kind words.

Think its time to go.