"Pull Over" Okay, I Will
October 2, 2010--Had to get out of the house. Needed to get away. Outside tapping at the keyboards just enjoying this nice autumn night. Can’t really tell in California, though. No demarcation from one season to another. It is just nice weather, then not so hot, and back to nice again. After living back East, I rather have more helios. For me, I prefer the steadiness and sun
October 2, 2010--Had to get out of the house. Needed to get away. Outside tapping at the keyboards just enjoying this nice autumn night. Can’t really tell in California, though. No demarcation from one season to another. It is just nice weather, then not so hot, and back to nice again. After living back East, I rather have more helios. For me, I prefer the steadiness and sun
Just Sitting There
So what now? Well, its bucket list time. Found a website where I can start putting my bucket list on the electron internet-verse. Leaving a record of what I would like to accomplish. Having a guidepost of stuff I’d like to see and do. A list in which I can mark off things I have done. A reminder of what my dreams and wishes were before.
So what now? Well, its bucket list time. Found a website where I can start putting my bucket list on the electron internet-verse. Leaving a record of what I would like to accomplish. Having a guidepost of stuff I’d like to see and do. A list in which I can mark off things I have done. A reminder of what my dreams and wishes were before.
Been using my journal to document this and I am a true believer in putting pen to paper. The act of putting a promise to yourself and what to do. Trouble is keeping reminders at times creates clutter. Been reading a book of Feng Shui and learned something. Clutter, in a nutshell, not so good. I have clutter. Think its genetic. My dad had stuff all around, too. The garage is also a bit messy, too. Bedroom is like that. Clutter, time for you to go. You are are effecting my Flow.
One principal states that one should remove the clutter. Let the energy flow. Don’t get stagnant. Reminds me of the Buddhist thing about carrying stuff and how it can bog you down. We are given what we need and we should leave what we don’t need.
Well, the gist of this is that these last couple of weeks stuff has been swirling around the cranium. Stuff has been stirring in the emotional core. Body’s feeling backed up. Holding all this stuff is not good and a nice house cleaning may be in order. My laptop crashed and I lost a lot of stuff there. Still, not too terribly torn up about it. Guess I needed to wipe the slate clean with stuff. Go tabula rasa.
Well, sitting out here in the patio of It’s a Grind. Feeling the swirling energies of the cars behind me. Listening to the crickets sing their song. Enjoying a nice hot cocoa. It feels nice to feel the swirl. To let the energy centrifuge the unnnecessaries out. It rained and lightning-ed (I know not a word) a couple days back. It was cleansing. It is not the same as getting my ions recharged at the beach, but for now it will do.
Clockwork.Few days back it was the hottest recorded temperature for this time of the year. 113 degrees. Thought it would be an ideal to wash the car. You see I have got this gift. Whenever I go to a restaurant, less than 5 or 10 minutes, it gets busy thus slowing down the servers from getting or order in a timely. But that is not my greatest gift. I can solve the water problem in California. You see whenever it rains, the next day or two it showers. Well, like clockwork. Wash car Tuesday, rain on Thursday. You are welcome.
Sitting There On Side of the Road
Yeah, he's in all the pictures. Something told me to stop at that time. I then started clicking away. |
Sorry, no moral. No theme. Just a pleasant sharing of thoughts with those out there. Guess, I wasn’t ready to say, So Long. Getting the vibe to just take a moment of pause. Sitting there on the side of the road taking picture of the San Andreas Fault line on Highway 14. I realized that I wasn't the only one there taking a moment. Looked up and there he was. Guess, he needed something, too. We all need something. Needed to get some perspective. Needed to Elevate and Escape. Needed to know I wasn't the only one that needed to take a moment. At times, life goes by so fast that it would be best to just pullover on the side of the road.You'd be surprised there is much to discover and appreciate.
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